Are you wondering which next steps to take in this chapter of your life that will yield you the greatest amount of freedom, fulfillment, and joy?
Deep down, do you know you’re meant for something greater and more meaningful than a mediocre existence, but either lack the clarity you need to move forward, or can’t seem to get past procrastination, delay, and self-doubt?
Does your soul spark with joy anytime you’re able to uplift, empower, or inspire someone else, and you’d love to do this even more intentionally now in your own meaningful way?
To increase your Clarity, Your Reach, Your Impact?
Then Welcome Home, Sister. YOU are what I call a Soulfluencer - someone that’s now choosing to create a soul aligned life, one decision at a time - and as a result, become an inspiration for those around you to do the same…
Whether you’re;
an aspiring or existing entrepreneur that’s ready to raise your level of positive impact and meaningful income
an unfulfilled 9-5’er like I once was, no longer willing to settle for mediocre, superficial happiness and instead are ready for deep joy, fulfillment and freedom that comes from aligning with your purpose
a woman seeking clarity on your next steps in this chapter of your life, that would fulfill you, ignite you, and energize you the most
….Then this is exactly where *YOU* belong.
Welcome Home to Your Soulfluencer Family.
“Inspire others not by what you say…but by who you Become.”
A Monthly Membership + Mentorship Unlike Any Other Before it...
It’s Like Having Your Very Own Soul Retreat At Your Fingertips, 24/7, Here to Support You in Creating the Life Your Soul Craves - at any age, without having to make any big life changes first.
( no need to spend $1000’s on a single retreat, make all the arrangements to be away, and fly across the world just for a few days of peace - when you can have the tools, tips, reminders, practises, and safe soul circle of uplifters right beside you at all times 24/7, whenever you need it most!)
A Place for You to Become an Energetic Match to the Level of Joy, Income, and Impact You Deserve
(You are ALREADY worthy! It’s just a matter of now choosing to say Yes to the support and guidance to help you move towards this now - which is what Soulfluencer is here to help you do.)
And to attract with much more ease and flow - that which your soul desires most, in the time you have left to enjoy it in this life.
{ If what we desire deep down in our soul keeps eluding us, it’s because we’re lined up on what I call a ‘fearfluenced’ path, which leads to fearfluenced outcomes, and a fearfluenced life... (see below) }
There’s Two Ways to Live Our Life…
{ Mobile Users: Turn Phone Sideways and Zoom In to See this List Better }
(say goodby to stop-go, stop-go, delaying and procrastinating on your dreams - and step into exponential growth and momentum on your highest, most soul aligned path!)
“In Life, We Do Not Rise To the Level of Our Hopes and Dreams, We fall to the Level of Our Thinking, Subconscious Beliefs, and Vibration - which then effects our action or inaction, and the outcomes we attract. Thankfully, with a little help, these can be changed for the much, MUCH, better.”
“You can’t lead anyone else further than you have gone yourself.”
Imagine a plant trying to grow all alone in the dark without water, sunlight, positive encouragement or cross pollination with any other plants…it has little to no outside nourishment at all, and is vulnerable to it’s own self-limiting beliefs and doubts.
Possible - but not likely - to reach it’s fullest potential.
Now imagine that same plant having a consistent space with warmth, sunlight, clear water, encouragement, nourishment and love. The possibilities are endless…
…That’s what you’ll have inside the Soulfluencer Sanctuary - a place to come alive - An environment to thrive.
It’s like sunshine for your Soul✨
“We Cannot Serve From an Empty Vessel. We Cannot Give to Others that Which We Do Not Have Ourselves.”
Personally, I am always always always continuing my personal and spiritual growth journey, because I know that is exactly how I can show up for my Self, my Family, and my Dreams the best and most authentic way possible. It increases my capacity to uplift, empower, and serve others from my overflow, rather than my depletion. This helps me become a better leader for others, serve my clients more impactfully, and grow my business and dreams exponentially.
What Becomes Possible When You Start Living Soulfluenced Today…
Within 1 Week:
Feeling the pressure, worry, and weight of the world on your shoulders start to melt away as your nervous system begins to feel calm, soothed, and more at peace, regardless of current circumstances
Enjoying an increase in energy and lightness in your mood, as you release the energies absorbed from your day (work, grocery store, traffic, doctors office, bank, upset family members, friend going through a rough time etc etc) - with our 7 Minute audio, you will feel like a brand new person! Especially if you are Empath or Sensitive to the feelings and energies of others - likely even moreso than you realize.
Embracing the excitement of a new chapter ahead, a fresh start, a new beginning - seeing the light at the end of the tunnel - and perhaps believing for the first time in a long while - THE BEST IS YET TO COME for you!
Within 1 Month:
You’ve leisurely looked into the short but powerful Find Your Purpose Training in the pockets of the month, and cannot believe what you are uncovering about your Self. With greater ease and joy than you thought, you’re stepping further and further into a version of you (and your life) that feels increasingly invigorating for your Soul (without having to make any big life changes first!)
You’re experiencing a warm, uplifting sense of belonging within our community, a sense of being fully supported as you lean further and further into your most authentic self. It’s safe to be YOURSELF, and you are genuinely encouraged to keep discovering the highest, best, and most fulfilled version of you.
You’re feeling clearer and clearer on the next steps to take for your life, that would fulfill you and light you up the MOST - and there’s women in our group that can even support you, guide you, encourage you on taking those next steps! (Even perhaps women whom have experience already in the direction you’re desiring to go and can help you along the way!)
1 Month to 1 Year and Beyond…
You look back at who you were just prior to joining Soulfluencer - and you cannot believe the difference in who you are, how you show up in the world, and how you feel every day in your much more Soulfluenced Life. The positive uplevel in your energy has spilled over and inspired you to uplevel other areas of your life too - your health, your self-worth and confidence, your social life, and relationships are all positively impacted because of one seemingly small decision you made on a seemingly normal day like today.
The dreams, desires and nudges in your Soul that kept getting delayed and procrastinated on - are now coming to fruition. That book you’ve always wanted to write, is finally being written. That course you wanted to take to learn how to help others in a meaningful way, you’ve completed it! The business you wanted to grow into a higher level of income and impact - guess what?! It happened with more ease, authenticity, synchronicities, and soul-guided success than you ever dreamed possible!
You’re receiving comments, private messages, dm’s, texts, handwritten notes, thank you cards, and tokens of appreciation in the mail - from all the people YOU are INSPIRING - just by being a courageous example of living your life true to your Soul.
“Be Your Best to Serve at Your Best”
It’s Time To Become a Vibrational Match to Where Your Soul is Calling You next..
Whether that is….
* Reaching and Positively Impacting More Lives through your Soul Aligned Business and being Open to Receiving more Meaningful Income
* Making No Big Life Changes at All, but learning to live more Soulfluenced, Purposeful and Joyful within the Life You Already Have
* Getting out of a Soul-Draining 9-5 through Clarifying Your Purpose, and Creating a Living Doing What You Love
“It’s Time to Set Yourself Free, So You Can Help Set Others Free, too”
Plus, Surprise Ongoing Bonuses…
“Small steps, over time, yield MASSIVE results.”
Currently Included & Upcoming Topics + Trainings
And More…
Gain Clarity on “What’s Next” for you. A Direction, Path + Purpose that IGNITES you and energizes you for this Chapter of Your life. You were *not* born to simply ‘survive’ and get by. You’re here to THRIVE and Shine in a way that only YOU can, that your Soul is WAITING for you to step into now. Clarity on Your Unique Purpose, and Most Soul Aligned Path to Freedom, Fulfillment and true Abundance. Even if you already know what your calling is, sometimes we struggle with how to move forward, or keep delaying and procrastinating on what we know our soul wants us to embrace - resulting in lack and unfulfillment. Sometimes we’re hitting a plateau because our Purpose is now shifting and evolving, without us fully realizing it yet. Find out where you’re meant to go from here that is in direct flow with your Soul - feels light and easy as a result…and yields massive shifts over a surprisingly short amount of time the more and more aligned you become…
Become an Energetic Match with What Your Soul Desires. The more Soul Aligned you become, the more magnetic your energy! The Universe delivers not what you wish for, but what you hold in your vibration. Like attracts like. We cannot be consumed with a scarcity mentality and expect abundance to appear in our lives. Nobody ever taught us how to get into alignment with what we desire most, so it can flow to us with the most ease and least resistance possible. In Soulfluencer, you’ll gain the tools + teachings to clear out old stuck and stagnant energy that’s holding you back, old patterns you have yet to break, old lies that your inner child still believes, past conditioning from societal norms, etc. You will let go of old money stories that it’s greedy and selfish to be abundant, you will learn instead how to receive limitlessly, serve infinitely, and stand as tall as your Highest Self. As a result, you will become powerfully MAGNETIC as an inspirational beacon of hope, a living example of what’s possible, a fulfilled, joyful, Soulfuencer for others.
Overcome Limiting Beliefs, Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for Prosperity, and Step into the Confidence (and Life!) You Never Knew YOU Could Have. You’ve felt it before - TOTALLY INSPIRED and roaring to step forward into your dreams one day, and completely petrified and stuck in procrastination the next. It’s like trying to boil a pot of water by taking the pot on and off the stove. This method will take potentially an entire lifetime for the pot to heat up, and the water may still never reach a full boil. Thus is true when we’re calibrated with our Soul one day, but not the next (or the next, or the next).
Anytime we’re considering something that would help us THRIVE in life (aka step into a new direction) our Survival Mechanisms kick into high gear, quickly using the most convincing tactics possible to appease us into delay, procrastination, or ‘starting on Monday’ and keeping us tucked inside our “surviving” comfort zone box.
When you want to get in shape, what’s the quickest way to create change and get stronger? Is it going to the gym once in a while? Once a month? Once a week? Or doing some physical movement at least once a day? Inside Soulfluencer, you’ll gain access to quick easy tools, recordings, and practises to choose from that will help keep you Calibrated with Your Soul in just minutes a day. Between you and me - This is the secret to speeding up the momentum towards your soul aligned dreams and desires.
Be Warmly Welcomed and Embraced by the Most Loving, Encouraging, Kind-Hearted and Uplifting Community You’ve Ever Experienced Before. This is your Environment to THRIVE. When we go it alone, we often fall victim to our own self limiting thoughts, beliefs, patterns and doubts. We continue to procrastinate, delay, or even quit on the nudges from our Soul. That’s why IT (vitally) MATTERS who you surround yourself with! Whether you’ve always had a deep sense of belonging around others (or not, like me :)) I’ve learned how to cultivate online and in-person communities that are warm, inviting, authentic, loving, accepting, genuinely supportive and encouraging. And I’ve also learned - that even as an introvert that loves her alone time - human connection amongst other high-vibrational beings is absolutely NOURISHING for the SOUL!
I know being around the wrong people is draining and uncomfortable. But I also know that being around the RIGHT people is invigorating for your Spirit!
It creates an environment for you to THRIVE in, as humans were built to be in Community with one another, even in an online capacity (energy is not bound by time nor space:))
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you deserve to find out.
If you do know what I’m talking about, then you know how invaluable it is to find a space like this where you belong. Where you’re able to be your true self, practise being relaxed and settling in to who you really are - asking questions about spiritual, soul, angel, healing related things and its totally normal! This is where you get to be YOU, to discover YOU, to meet and embrace your Highest Self - in a warm, safe, loving and accepting environment - that uplifts you, encourages you, and POURS INTO YOU, instead of you always being the one pouring into everybody else.
“People Are Inspired By Your Example, Not Your Advice. Leaders Go First.”

How can I tell if this is for me?
If even ONE of the below apply to you, you are what I call a Soulfluencer, and what you will learn, see, feel, and experience inside our Soul Growth Sanctuary will highly benefit you, and the lives you're meant to impact greatly...
You're wondering how you can more clearly and confidently identify your unique purpose, or step into the next level of it
Your soul craves to offer a meaningful, impactful, positive contribution in the world, and is drained with every moment wasted on something meaningless or empty
You have a strong desire in your heart to uplift, empower, and INSPIRE others
You loathe small talk and LOVE deep conversation about life, dreams, spirituality, and topics that fascinate you.
You know you're meant to positively and powerfully impact MANY lives (whether you already know how or not)
Truthfully, you haven't quite had the reach or impact you desire to have just yet, and are not sure what's holding you back
You easily take on the energy of the people around you and become drained, sad, or tired - which makes it even MORE important that you find an environment that uplifts, supports, encourages, and RECHARGES you!!
You're ready to join an army of soul sisters just like you, who share in the mission of uncovering their most soul aligned Self + Life, so that they may lead and inspire others to do the same - and together create a TIDAL WAVE of light and love out into the world for generations to come.
You're ready to have a safe place to learn and explore all the woo stuff without judgement from those around you, but that is also grounded in reality and easy to understand (not so far out there that you're confused by what's being said). Such as Connecting with Angels, Spirit Guides, Developing Your Intuition, Mediumship, Guidance and Advice of Source, Healing Modalities, Crystals, Chakra Work, Energy Cleansing, Self-Healing, Locating + Overcoming Soul Power Leaks, Healing Past Life Symptoms, Increasing Your Confidence to Speak Your Truth, How to Become Spiritually Magnetic, Law of Attraction (with actual ease), and more...
If even ONE of the above speaks to you, you will receive a lifetime-benefitting worth of value inside the Soulfluencer Sanctuary.
Is this mostly for entrepreneurs?
I tend to attract a great deal of aspiring and existing entrepreneurs, and with over 18 years since my last official paycheque and over 20 years as a student of spirituality and soul-work, I am absolutely capable of supporting them in their journeys. However, what makes a GREAT entrepreneur, is someone who knows how to live, be, do and act in alignment with their SOUL - and that will be the focus of the Soulfluencer Membership. Living a Soulfluenced Life on a consistent daily basis (even just minutes a day) will have a PROFOUND positive effect on ANYONE'S LIFE, regardless of whether or not you are an entrepreneur. Soul expansion, alignment, growth, development, clarity, and how to tune into Source for ultimate guidance via your Intuition, Angels and Guides. This Soul Sanctuary will deeply and remarkably benefit any living being on the planet, whether you are an entrepreneur, or not.
I'm busy and overwhelmed right now in my life already, what if I don't have time to incorporate the things I'm learning inside Soulfluencer or time to watch/listen to the trainings/tools/audios?
If you're busy and overwhelmed then you are EXACTLY and ESPECIALLY who Soulfluencer was created for. If we're not careful, we will be busy-being-busy for the rest of our lives. Soulfluencer was designed for the busy, overwhelmed woman trying to juggle ALL the things and somehow make time for herself. To somehow experience life in a way that isn't draining and unfulfilling, but rather JOYFUL, FREEING, INVIGORATING, and INSPIRING. In Soulfluencer, you will begin to feel noticable change in just a few short minutes a day - at times that are most convenient for you. (While you're brushing your teeth, driving, walking the dog, folding the laundry, or waiting to pick up the kids).
I absolutely relate to feeling bombarded by life, overwhelmed by to-do lists, behind in my dreams and life tasks, falling short of being there for everyone around me in the way I wish I could, health concerns, family concerns, and beyond. It is especially in these times that leaning in to our Soul connection helps us to cope, connect with our inner peace, and move forward much more productively, efficiently, and peacefully. It gives us the CAPACITY to not only fill ourselves up, but to be able to pour into those around us from our OVERFLOW, and not from our depletion.
It is when I've neglected by Soul Connection that I feel the most anxious, overwhelmed, fatigued, and down. I delay, I procrastinate, I slack off on taking care of myself, and everything keeps spiralling downhill from there. Health, finances, relationships, friendships and more.
But! When I incorporate even just a FEW SHORT MINUTES A DAY of what you're going to gain inside of Soulfluencer (ready-to-go short audios, videos, etc) I immediately begin to feel calmer, more centered, grounded, safe, and equipped to face life in my most energized, powerful, joyful way possible.
Think of it this way - your kids are watching your example, as are your loved ones, your family, your co-workers and/or your clients. Your life is your message to the world - what message are you sending?
When we're disconnected from our Soul, we're often numbing the discomfort with added screen time (hello IG! TikTok, FB etc!) binging Netlfix at night, or trying to find instant (and fleeting) gratification with sugar, chocolate, wine, shopping, etc.
What if - you kept doing all of the above for as long as you'd like, but you spent 7 less minutes on IG, and put those 7 minutes into what you learn in Soulfluencer - and start to notice a much more positive shift in your life, day after day, then if you spent 0 minutes...It really can be that simple! I'm here to show you how :)
Worst case scenario, you cancel anytime you'd like - knowing that at least you were couragous enough to pursue possibility and check this out for yourself, than to assume failure and never know what could've been. For $22, it's one of the lowest risks for the one of the biggest potential rewards - living a life true to your Soul, and inspiring those around you to do the same through your example. (No big life changes necessary, I'll show you how :))
How much Time Should I Plan to Set Aside for Soufluencer?
This is the beauty of joining an ongoing Membership - you get to choose, and there's no expiration date! However I will say that the teachings and resources vary from very short (2 minutes!) to a little longer (30 mins - 1 hour) to accommodate both a busy schedule, and also those times for yourself when you'd like to go a little deeper with a slightly longer training or practise.
Keeping in mind, this is not a course with mandatory course work. This is a resource hub for you, to pick and choose what you'd like in whatever moment you're in :) Kind of like a Spiritually Uplifting Netflix for your Soul!
I think of it like this; When I want to make a change I know for me that starting gradually is best, easing my way into it. But eventually, I do like putting a little more time and effort in to speed up the momentum of my desired results (like going to the gym).
But as an going daily practise, I spend between 2 minutes to 25 minutes on average per day depending on my schedule for that day - and that keeps me feeling uplifted, optimistic, clear, empowered, inspired, and invigorated for my day!
I started doing these practises years ago and couldn't believe the difference in how I felt. Then I began taking it for granted and started thinking "I don't have time for that" - and as all areas of my life started to slide and be negatively affected - THAT'S when I remembered how important (vital!) to my mental health, wellbeing, and overall success in life and business these practises really are.
Now I know - I can't afford NOT to do them!
What if it's too late for me. { I'm a mature age // I have young kids // I've already been building my career or business for some time...}
My friend - if your heart is still beating, then it's not too late!! I've supported women from their early 20's into their late 70's create a much more soul aligned life! I've supported overwhelmed/underpaid Moms with 6 kids and 3 jobs create a more soul aligned life (no joke!). "If you argue for your limitations, you get to keep them."
What will I learn inside the Soulfluencer Sanctuary - Is this for beginners to spirituality?
It’s for beginners, novices, and seasoned spiritual teachers alike. No matter where you’re currently at on your journey, you will find your version of YOUR next level of Soul Clarity right here. Truth be told - I won’t be teaching about widely popular and mainstream concepts already well-covered such as gratitude journals and positive thinking. Though these are each are truly powerful tools, my soul craves to share with you more spiritually fascinating topics, cutting edge practises, and higher frequency teachings. Rather, I’d like to take you on a deeper journey on how you can be more connected to your Intuitive language, your divine gifts, your purpose, and your CONFIDENCE IN SHARING your purpose with others! To guide you in transitioning into a thriving, abundant, SOUL ALIGNED LIFE, full time - and as a result become an example for others to do the same. This IS a place that welcomes ALL LEVELS of spiritual connection - whether you’re newly exploring your spiritual side, or have been a lifelong medium since birth. We each have a next level no matter where we’re at, and you will find and reach your next breakthrough levels right here inside the Soulfluencer Sanctuary.
What is the Soulfuencer Sanctuary For?
Our Soulfluencer private soul sanctuary serves a few different purposes all at the same time. Here are the ones that come to mind first…
- The media predominately spreads tidal waves of fear, dread, and doom across the world and in the hearts and minds of millions. Often this is in service of trying to get the most clicks, views, and/or paid advertisement space. As a Soulfluencer, you will link arms with other like-minded, high frequency, Soulfluencer's from all around the world, as we re-charge, strengthen, and crank up the power of our own inner light, and shine it out into the world when the world needs it most - right now.
For some of you this will be for the sake of your family and your kids, for some of you it will be for your own personal sake *(and rightly so!), and for many of you it will strengthen you as aspiring and existing entrepreneurs who know you’re meant to make a massive impact in the world. *
- To have a safe, supportive place to grow personally, expand spiritually, and belong unconditionally. Many of the people I’ve worked with (and myself included) have secretly felt that their friends, family, partner, co-workers, etc - would judge them if they shared about their full Spiritual side with them. Often we have felt like we don’t belong, are ‘crazy,’ or would be deemed crazy if we came out of the ‘Spiritual Closet’ so to speak. Inside the Soulfluencer Sanctuary - you will not be judged for your beliefs, questions, desires, dreams, practises, or own inner truths. Ever. In fact, we get excited ‘geeking out’ over Spiritual topics (such an Angels, Oracle Cards, Intuition, Mediumship, etc) and teaching each other exciting spiritual concepts we’ve learned along the way!
- To actually develop the CLARITY, CONFIDENCE, AND CONVICTION to share your full truth, purpose, and mission with the world. It is not enough to simply have an idea or know what your purpose is. The next (and often hardest) step, is having the courage to actually step fully and boldly into it - regardless of what your parents think, spouse thinks, co-workers think, friends think, or the people in your hometown on facebook think. THIS IS HUGE! And we will support you and guide you in overcoming whatever is getting in your way from shining your own inner Light brightly!!!!! What good is discovering your inner light, if you don’t have the courage to turn it on? Inside the Soulfluencer Sanctuary - YOU WILL LEARN TO ILLUMINATE THE WORLD - in your own unique Soul Aligned way!
I’m worried about money right now - can I join later down the road?
First and foremost, if you’d truly miss $22 a month right now and really need to put that towards your essential needs such as food and shelter, I get it and I would never steer you otherwise. Please take care of yourself and your family first during this time. However, if you find youself still purchasing things like Starbucks, TV Streaming Services, Phone Apps, Renting Movies, Going to Dinner, Buying Fast Food, etc, I encourage you to consider exchanging even ONE of these things to come check out what's available to you inside Soulfluencer for even 1 month. I highly recommend this kind of investment into your Self and your life, especially if things are tough. What you’ll be learning inside the Soulfluencer Sanctuary will benefit not only you, but help you to create a new reality for those around you, too. It will help you gain further clarity on your purpose, become attractive as a leader to those you desire to serve, help you to increase your confidence, and show you many different examples of creating infinite income in your life in alignment with your Soul, if you choose to do so. In fact I cannot believe I’m giving this guidance away for just $22/mo (I never have before, and am pretty almost certain I never will again), but my inner guide has nudged me to do so with everything going on in the world right now, and I always always trust my nudges, even when my head doesn’t understand just yet! Only a certain number of spaces exist for the $22/mo contract-free offer, so I would grab my space right now if I were you. Once these spaces are gone, we will close registration for this round, and the next time when we open it, it will be at a higher monthly rate, likely with an initial membership fee attached, as well as a minimum contract time commitment, and upgrade fee if you’d like access to the archived previous-teachings library. Similar memberships are $97/mo or more with this level of contact, guidance, and interactive communication - and eventually that will be the minimum going rate for the Soulfluencer Sanctuary too.
Is the pricing in USD or CAD?
Our intention is to deliver to you a value that is FAR FAR greater than you will ever pay in just $22 dollars - regardless of what currency you're converting from. Many of the resources inside the Membership portal alone are worth over $197 USD each - and we've been told our exercises are 'life changing' and 'profoundly impactful' many countless times by our clients. Having access to monthly live calls with Jen is usually an investment of $5000 USD minimum. As with almost any online business or product you may have purchased in the past - we too use the unified online currency of USD. If you don't agree that you're receiving far more in value than you paid for in dollars regardless of the currency exchange, you're free to cancel at anytime, no questions asked :-)
What if I don't like monthly payments?
There's always the option to pay in full at our lowest ever rate (plus the benefits that entails, see below!) We like to offer monthly payments for people that may not be able to pay larger sums in full right now, however we offer the choice to pay in full for those that prefer to keep their monthly payments to a minimum :)
What can I expect inside the Soulfluencer Sanctuary?
Expect to be warmly welcomed into one of the best Soul Sister families’ you’ve ever been apart of. I say this with confidence as I’ve seen it happen now over and over again within my group coaching programs over the last 9 years. You have soul-besties you didn’t even know existed, waiting for you inside the Soulfluencer group. Like-minded women who understand you, support you, encourage you, lift you, and love you unconditionally. We root each other on, and pick each other up whenever anyone stumbles, and help each other rise.
Expect a monthly powerful infusion of soul-directed messaging and training from me on a live, interactive call. You will walk away feeling recharged, re-invigorated, re-ignited, unstoppable, clear, and ready to take on the world! This is often said to be my clients’ favourite part of our group coaching programs.
Expect to have direct access to me for guidance on YOUR personal situation during our 1x1 Group Coaching Calls (these take place directly following the live intuitive training as mentioned above). You also get to listen in on anyone else asking their 1x1 question, and you’d be surprised how often the guidance I give - applies to YOU, too. Usually the only people who have access to this level of direct guidance from me have invested $5000 in a group program or $15,000+ for 1x1 coaching. You will receive access for just $22/mo!
Expect a Spiritual Netflix Resources Library with Video, Audio and PDF trainings already waiting for you inside the Membership site, so you can get started becoming a Soulfluencer the second you register!
As time goes on, expect newly added surprise bonus trainings, my own personal spiritual resources, high calibre special guests offering interactive live trainings, and more…
Expect to gain the confidence, clarity and conviction to live a Soul Aligned Life full-time - and to become a beacon of light for others to do the same!
What if I want to end my membership? What is the cancellation/refund policy?
Only for those who sign up now before our maximum capacity of $22/mo spaces are filled, there are no contracts or minimum time commitments required to remain apart of the Soulfluencer Sanctuary. This means, you’re free to cancel at any time with the simple click of a button or a quick email to our team. There will be no questions asked! Because you will have access to download all of our materials, bonuses, and resources immediately, there are no refunds provided, however, I promise you it’s worth a $22 risk :) Many of the resources inside are valued at over $200 each - and the total value inside is over $6000 USD *and growing every month.
What if I’m not able to be on the Live Training and Q+A Session with Jen?
You will receive an advanced calendar of live trainings so hopefully you’re able to schedule it into your calendar well in advance, however if prior commitments prevent you from joining live, you will be able to send us your personal question in advance to be answered during the call, and emailed the replay to listen to at your convenience. You will receive email reminders before the call, and replays afterwards, every time. Remember, you also have access to Jen and your entire supportive soul sisterhood inside our private group at anytime!
Is this another one of those groups where there are 1000’s of people and I’m just another nameless face in the crowd that can never get a question answered?
Oh heccccck no!!!!!!!!!! In fact, a HUGE bonus to joining right now is that this group is new and therefore will be quite intimate as we’re limiting the number of people allowed to join for just $22/mo to an absolute minimum!! This is the perfect time to receive a high level of communication and interaction with Jen as well as the close-knit circle of those also joining right now with you. You will be an original, founding member - and enjoy the perks of being so! *(Much lower pricing, more more intimate setting, and far more personalized guidance and support!).
Not everyone who joins down the road will be able to say that! It’s very likely that your question will get answered on each call, and Jen will for sure know your name, and remember you week to week as your journey unfolds together. Once this group continues to grow and grow, it may be harder for Jen to keep track of new members on a personal level. For the most intimate level of guidance, direction, and interaction, NOW is the time to join!
Does it matter if I am religious, or not religious, when it comes to Spirituality and the Soulfluencer Sanctuary?
Not to me it doesn't! And not to any of your fellow Soulfluencer's either! We all keep an open mind and accepting heart that each of us have our own sense of Soul Aligned Beliefs that can look different from person to person - and that's okay! So whether you're Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, any other kind of culture or religion, have your own personal set of Spiritual Beliefs, or are just now exploring Spirituality at all for the first time - you are WELCOME inside Soulfluencer! Our only request is that you keep the same open mind and heart for others in the group that may have beliefs different from yours. We focus on what we have in common - a belief in a Source Energy (God, Universe, Soul, Higher Self, etc - up to you!) that loves us all unconditionally - and an open heart to allow others to have their own interpretation/relationship with this Source.
*Something to note: There will be some talk of Angels, Mediumship, Breathwork, Vibration, Chakras, and Energy Healing inside this group and on some calls/trainings. If this is offensive to you or your beliefs, the Soulfluencer Sanctuary may not be the best fit for you.
Can I join later?
There's a good chance you will be able to join later this year or next, however we will be gradually moving our monthly membership fee closer towards the $111USD/mo price point to be more in line with the level of value being offered inside the Soulfluencer Sanctuary. For this reason alone, dollars wise it may actually make more sense to join now at this extremely low founding member rate of $22/mo - even if you don't plan on even looking at anything inside for the next few months.
What is the benefit of paying in full for 12 months?
1.) Lock in the absolute LOWEST rate possible for an entire year (monthly plans are subject to gradual increases from time to time with 30 days notice)
2.) Receive nearly 2 full months FREE (the pay-in-full investment is closer to 10 months instead of 12)
3.) For a LIMITED TIME ONLY those who pay in full will receive a 15 Minute Angel Reading with Jen where you can ask anything around Purpose Clarity, Guidance, Next Steps for your personal life or professional life. This is an intuitive reading where Jen connects with your Angels and Guides to receive living guidance, clarity and encouragement to help you move forward on your most soul aligned path. (Jen trained under a 25 year Angel Messenger for 3 years and loves the reaction her clients get when they receive these wise loving words from their Angels!) *Must be booked inside the 12 months of your Active Membership. Session is forfeited if not booked prior to cancelling your membership. Reach out to book at info@jenniferjayde.com
What will become possible for me as a result of joining the Soulfluencer Sanctuary?
Integrity is important to us and because of that we must be fully transparent and honest with you; Because we have no control over your action or inaction (just like a gym membership or working with a personal trainer), we cannot guarantee any certain outcomes on your behalf. However, what we CAN tell you with absolute Confidence - is that if you're willing to try something new, make a few small adjustments here and there in your daily life/week/month, you WILL begin to feel and see a remarkable shift in your mood, energy, outlook and outcomes in your life (and business if applicable). We've been doing this long enough now to know what works, and what doesn't - and we've included EVERYTHING THAT WORKS, in the least amount of time and effort possible, inside of Soulfluencer, just for you :)
And just like going to the gym - the speed at which you notice change will be determined by how quickly (and how often) you implement what we give you inside of Soulfluencer.
Here's what we feel is reasonable to expect, if you get started right away;
Within 1 Week:
Feeling the pressure, worry, and weight of the world on your shoulders start to melt away as your nervous system begins to feel calm, soothed, and more at peace, regardless of current circumstances
Enjoying an increase in energy and lightness in your mood, as you release the energies absorbed from your day (work, grocery store, traffic, doctors office, bank, upset family members, friend going through a rough time etc etc) - with our 7 Minute audio, you will feel like a brand new person! Especially if you are Empath or Sensitive to the feelings and energies of others - likely even moreso than you realize.
Embracing the excitement of a new chapter ahead, a fresh start, a new beginning - seeing the light at the end of the tunnel - and perhaps believing for the first time in a long while - THE BEST IS YET TO COME for you!
Within 1 Month:
You’ve leisurely looked into the short but powerful Find Your Purpose Training in the pockets of the month, and cannot believe what you are uncovering about your Self. With greater ease and joy than you thought, you’re stepping further and further into a version of you (and your life) that feels increasingly invigorating for your Soul (without having to make any big life changes first!)
You’re experiencing a warm, uplifting sense of belonging within our community, a sense of being fully supported as you lean further and further into your most authentic self. It’s safe to be YOURSELF, and you are genuinely encouraged to keep discovering the highest, best, and most fulfilled version of you.
You’re feeling clearer and clearer on the next steps to take for your life, that would fulfill you and light you up the MOST - and there’s women in our group that can even support you, guide you, encourage you on taking those next steps! (Even perhaps women whom have experience already in the direction you’re desiring to go and can help you along the way!)
1 Month to 1 Year and Beyond…
You look back at who you were just prior to joining Soulfluencer - and you cannot believe the difference in who you are, how you show up in the world, and how you feel every day in your much more Soulfluenced Life.
The dreams, desires and nudges in your Soul that kept getting delayed and procrastinated on - are now coming to fruition. That book you’ve always wanted to write, is finally being written. That course you wanted to take to learn how to help others in a meaningful way, you’ve completed it! The business you wanted to grow into a higher level of income and impact - guess what?! It happened with more ease, authenticity, synchronicities, and soul-guided success than you ever dreamed possible!
You’re receiving comments, private messages, dm’s, texts, handwritten notes, thank you cards, and tokens of appreciation in the mail - from all the people YOU are INSPIRING - just by being a courageous example of living your life true to your Soul.
OKAY I'M IN!! I definitely resonate as an aspiring or existing Soufluencer and would LOVE to join the movement! What happens next?
Oh YAY girl!! Firstly, CONGRATULATE yourself for making a decision aligned with your Soul today - that is confirmation that you truly are a Soulfluencer by your willingness to trust, take action, and take the wheel of your life!
Next - click the bright pink registration button below and claim your $22/mo contract-free space before it's too late! (*Or Pay in Full to lock in the lowest ever rate for 12 months!)
And then - YOU’RE IN! Expect an immediate email from us granting you access to your Membership Portal, Private Group, and Virtual Cheers from us!!!!!! We’re all ready to welcome you with open arms right now. This is where you belong…
“Better to Find Out What’s Possible, than to Always Wonder What Might’ve Been...”
You Were Born to Lead. I’ll Show You How…

Let’s play a game ~
Imagine it’s 3 Months From Now…
How would it feel in your soul that 3 months from today, you are on this trajectory;
Crystal clear on your purpose , more clear and confidently than EVER before
Feeling energized and INVIGORATED by your life, instead of constantly drained and depleted
Your newfound energy is spilling over into other areas of your life. You find yourself inspired to drink more water, exercise a little more, pick up a new fun hobby, see friends more!
A growing sense of CONFIDENCE and Clarity unlike you’ve ever had before! You’ve become magnetic.
Your friends tell you you’re glowing, and wonder what you’ve been doing differently lately?! Is it a new skin care regimine?
You feel a sense of inner peace, knowing that the path you are on and the direction you’re going is in complete and utter alignment with your soul
You feel more at home and at peace in your body and in your own skin than you ever have before. You’re understanding unconditional self-love more and more every day.
You’re feeling much more relaxed and confident in your relationship, in fact even more closely connected to your partner than ever
If you’re single, the rush and pressure to find your soul mate has dissipated, you feel at ease on your own now, and as a result - more people are organically wanting to meet you and be in a relationship with you
Have a clear road map of your most soul aligned life yet, and have already started progressing forward with it!
Feeling like you finally found a place where you belong, you can speak your full truth, and ask any questions you desire, without any judgement!
Becoming more of who you TRULY are, and giving less f***’s what anyone else thinks about it
For the Entrepreneurs; Attracting more fans and followers that are magnetized by your energy, message, and mission
Having people reaching out to you, asking what you do and if you can help them
Understanding with absolute conviction how you are ALREADY QUALIFIED to serve, uplift, empower, and inspire others, and so you are!
Have a group of soul-sisters who actually get you, understand you, support you, see you, and love you unconditionally - all the woo included!
You’re receiving messages from people saying that your message really resonates with them, has inspired them immensely, and expressing gratitude to YOU for all that you are
People with podcasts are wanting to interview you for their show, to share your message with their audience!
Perhaps you even decide to get your own podcast going, or finally have a clear outline for your book!
You feel so grateful for the lives you’ve already inspired, and a knowing that you are about to impact many, many more…
~ OR ~
How would it feel in your soul that 3 months from today, no changes were made, and as a result…
Another 90 days have slipped by without you even realizing it. If you’re lucky, you’re in exactly the same place you are today. Nothing has changed. No progress has been made. Uncertainty and self doubt are still looming over you like a dark cloud that you keep trying to ignore.
But for most people, another 90 days means things now seem to be spiralling more and more downhill. As a result of stress and lack of self-care, your health may be declining. Which may be impacting your work/business, and therefore your finances. More coping mechanisms such as chocolate or wine or shopping has lead to undesired results in the body and on the credit card. More screen time, more distraction, means more time of your precious life whizzing by.
Due to lack of purpose, fulfillment, and joy - a down mood takes hold of most of your day. Doing your best to fake a smile, but also easily triggered, sensitive, emotional, and perhaps beginning to withdraw from social life, feeling less connected to Spouse/partner, family and friends.
Still feeling foggy over what you even have to share with the world. Feeling maybe you aren’t extraordinary enough to help others, or not qualified, or that your life isn’t perfect enough yet to inspire anyone (none of these are true!)
Wishing you had gotten started 3 months ago, and kicking yourself for where you could’ve been by now
Seeing others who did get started 3 months ago - rising into further and further alignment, higher energy and vibration, confidence, clarity, and momentum
Missing out on all the lives you could be impacting, if only you got the support you needed to get out of your own way…
^^^ I can only speak to BOTH of these outcomes above, because I have been in BOTH places before. Trust me, the first option is worth exploring!!

“When uncertain of your decision, ask which choice will help you serve the most people.”
Currently Available and Upcoming Topics and Trainings (growing every month)
Who is Jennifer Jayde
Jennifer Jayde is an internationally, 5x time bestselling and 3x award winning Author, International Speaker and Worldwide Soul Aligned Success Coach for Women who Desire to Inspire. Born and raised in Canada into humble beginnings, she has now been featured in notable Magazines, interviews and podcasts internationally, appeared on television in both Canada and the USA, and spoken in front of many captivated audiences including UCLA and Stanford Universities - with her message that everyone can (and is meant to) live a Soul Aligned life - full-time. She’s also the host of the popular spiritual growth podcast - the Soul Adventurer, which has ranked top 20 on Apple Podcasts in Canada. Her #1 best selling book, the Awakening - A Guide to Spiritually Awaken Your Highest Self, Intuitive Connection, and Deepest Purpose - is available worldwide on Amazon now, and is an Award-Winning Finalist in the New Age: Non-Fiction category of the International Book Awards.
But mostly, she’s a girl from a small town in Canada with big dreams - that felt the fear and did it anyway.
Jen now resides with her hubby and fur baby in San Diego, California - following her Soul and enjoying the journey.
I’m off to go play with our Soulfluencer’s inside the Sanctuary, Sister! But I have one last question for you…
Do you think you’re going to get to where you want to be, if you continue to make decisions based on where you’re currently at?
If you could thrive all on your own, you would be by now. Join us as we go from unfulfilled - to UNSTOPPABLE - together.
For the cost of ONE TV Streaming Service, you could be discovering everything you need, to live a life that inspires not only YOU - but all those around you, too. At the risk of sounding biased - we only have so many minutes left in this life. Do you feel they’re better spent numbing out on screen time, or exploring an entirely new world of possibility for you, your loved ones, your life?!
PS - I love me some evening TV screen time too, but let’s spend a few of those minutes a day taking even a baby step towards our joy and purpose, too. If you do, you’ll be AMAZED at where you’ll be just 3 months from today…
“Make a Decision Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For...
Make Today Your Re-Birth Day.”