Jennifer Jayde is the #1 bestselling, multi award winning, Author, international Speaker, and leading Soul Aligned Success Coach - specializing in guiding Big Dreaming Uplifters like *you* to Create the Soul Aligned Lifestyle, Income, and Impact your Soul Craves - by Empowering and Inspiring Others in the way that only YOU can!
She’s spoken in front of many captivated audiences both in-person and virtually all over Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, Mexico, Panama, and Australia. From being invited to speak at prestigious Universities such as Stanford University and UCLA, to being a keynote speaker for the Royal Bank of Canada, to interviews on the Inspirational 30 TV Show in Canada and the Commando Coach TV Show in New York, to being a featured guest on the multi-million downloaded podcast Sell or Die, to speaking on stage for the Golden Brick Road Publishing House Annual Awards Gala, a keynote at two annual Biz Babe events, the Wanderpreneur Tropical Retreat, and more - Jennifer Jayde brings the uplifting, inspiring, motivating energy with her message that you can be, do, have ANYTHING you desire in this life - so long as you are willing to align with it.
Her teachings include how to become soul aligned for ultimate freedom and success in life, and create the meaningful, positive impact in the lives of others your soul craves…

Hey Beautiful!
My name is Jennifer Jayde, and I believe that finding your purpose is your gift to yourself, and living your purpose is your gift to the world.
I believe that the more people courageous enough to uncover + live their purpose, the better our world will be for all of us.
And I believe that deep within YOU lies an extraordinary light that once set free - will make an incredible impact in the world...
Breakthrough Success in Life and Business is shaped from the inside out. If you desire to help others, inspire your loved ones, find deep inner happiness and outward success, you must begin from within. There's no way around it. Try as you might to fill the void with outer distractions, you will carry on feeling like there's something missing, until you surrender to the guidance of your own Inner Being. This is the missing link you've been longing for. I'm here to unite you with your Highest Self, your Deepest Truth, and Your Ultimate Calling in Life. From this place, and this place only - you can truly begin to live a Soul Aligned Life, full-time. This is where your ultimate freedom is found, and where you’ll inspire others simply by becoming more and more YOU.
Your purpose is calling. Will you answer?
This is where our journey begins…
Welcome home, my beautiful soul sister...
Jennifer Jayde is the Leading and Best Selling Alignment Author, Speaker, and Coach for Women who Desire to Inspire.
She’s now helped countless women to uncover and live their purpose - full time - allowing them to change their families’ lives, and the lives of all those they’re meant to positively impact, too.
Here is her story….

In a Nutshell…
I had a moment right out of Eat Pray Love, where I looked around at my picture perfect life, and realized I was completely and utterly unhappy.
Coming from living in a basement suite with my single mom and being startled awake by the sound of sirens each night, I’d worked so hard to create the life I had by age 25.
I had the big beautiful wedding at a castle, bought the two story house, the 2 seater convertible, and was doing well in my finance career. I’ve never been naturally gifted or extraordinarily talented at anything - I worked my ass off for this life. So why was it, the more ‘success’ I had, the more unhappy I became?
Fast forward to today, I got the support I needed to uncover my purpose + leave behind the life I thought I was ‘supposed’ to create, for the one my soul was craving to live. I’ve never felt so free in all my life. How I spend each and every single day is now my choice. I live in places I love (primarily anywhere sunny and near the beach!), I earn a higher income than I ever have before (even in my traditional finance career), simply by being me and offering the work I love so much it feels weird to even call it work. I’ve never been happier in my marriage, in my Self, and in my life.
While I won’t claim every day is perfect and dreamy, I will say that my life today is something I used to only dream about…
But how did I get here? Well, this is exactly what I’m here to help you with. It is the most exhilarating journey you could ever go on, and I couldn’t be more honoured to share this experience with you…
PS - If you’d like to hear more details of my personal journey, you’re welcome to listen to Episode #1 of my podcast - the Soul Adventurer with Jennifer Jayde - by clicking HERE, or continue reading below…

How It Started
Jennifer Jayde’s earliest memories are sharing a bedroom with her single mom in an illegal basement suite in a small town on Vancouver Island, Canada. It wasn’t long before she realized that they didn’t have much money, support, or any back-up plans to name. It was around this time Jennifer decided that anything she wanted in this life, she would go after for herself - and never rely on anyone else to give it to her, do it for her, or make it easy on her.
Time and time again, with the burden of MASSIVE SELF DOUBT on her back, Jen has gone well beyond her comfort zone to see what’s possible for her in this life - because she realized there’s something far worse to her than failing…
To reach her death bed with regret over a life half lived.
Jen decided that she would rather TRY and even risk failing at living a life she loved, than to never know what could’ve been…

She first believed she would achieve the success she desired if she followed the traditional path. She started in Finance when she was 18 years old, and was a 100% commission based mortgage broker by the time she was 21.
Around age 25, Jen wondered if this was really as good as it would get. She had worked her ass off to have the house, convertible, condo, loving hubby and big wedding she thought would bring peace and happiness to her heart - and still something was missing.
There was some kind of void in her soul that money and traditional success were not filling.
At 26, Jen lost one of her closest family members as he succumbed to a 10 month battle with pancreatic cancer. She says that when he died, she decided to honour him by finally creating the courage to truly LIVE.
After yet another internal battle with massive fear and self-doubt, Jen transitioned from finance into her full-time dream business - Destination Wedding Photography.
Again through determination, busting beyond fear, working with mentors and flying to workshops on whatever credit cards had room, she cultivated a thriving, award winning Destination Photography Business in less than 3 years. She was travelling to some of the most beautiful destinations in the world, including Italy, France, Spain, Australia and the Caribbean, and being paid to take pictures of one of the most beautiful days a couple would ever share together. It was a literal dream come true.
Until it wasn’t…

Just a few years in to her photography business, Jen went through the familiar tap on the shoulder (via discontentment, sadness, feeling stuck, lost, and passionless) that something else was meant for her now.
Through working with her own first coach, she uncovered her most deeply resonant purpose - and realized it was now on her heart to help free as many souls as possible from living a fear-based life - to a soul-aligned life.
One where you are living your purpose, utilizing your gifts, feeling powerfully aligned with what you were put on this earth to do, being an inspiration to countless others, and creating a limitless income and soul aligned life as a result.
Jen was not born into wealth, has never had any handouts, taken any shortcuts, or had any special connections, talents, or abilities she was innately born with. She has no degrees, no special training or education that puts her on any pedestal above anyone else.
The only thing that separates Jen, from anyone feeling unhappy, unsuccessful, drained, depleted, and not living up to their true potential in this life - is that she was willing to stretch massively beyond her comfort zone to get the support she needed, to create something she never had before.
She didn’t wait until the Universe manifested more money in her bank account, or gave her a sign that this was the right decision.
She trusted her gut!
She had to let go of her absolute dread of going further and further into debt in order to invest in the support she needed (and her dwindling bank account and growing debt at the time was simply proof that she needed the support more than ever) and instead TRUSTED the small inner compass that kept encouraging her forward. Her first coach was $650/month, the next was $25,000 USD for 6 months and then another $28,000 for another 6 months. Jen has currently invested over $100,000 into her own personal development and business training, for her coaching business alone (this does not include what she invested in her Photography business mentors, branding, workshops, retreats, etc, nor the investment into flying all over country to attend her network marketing events she spent 1 year doing).
As a result of moving forward despite massive fear, inner turmoil and heavy self-doubt, time and time again, Jennifer has now made her way to becoming a 2x Bestselling and Award Winning Author, International Speaker, and Leading Soul Alignment Coach for women who desire to inspire others, create massive impact, and live a soul aligned life, full-time. She’s created a 7 figure business in less than 5 years sharing her purpose in service to others and feeling fulfilled, overjoyed and abundant as a result.

How It’s Going
Nervously made the first official announcement on social media about my new purpose-driven business Oct 22 2015. Started working with a world class mentor and invested in a high level program (all on credit cards) immediately to help condense my learning curve and shorten my timeline to success. I was TERRIFIED! But I felt the fear and did it anyway…
Even though I was terrified almost every step of the way, I was also very driven by the mission in my heart to help as many people live a soul aligned life as I possibly can, in whatever time I have left on this earth. To my amazement, I had created $100k in the first 6 months of my business, and a quarter million by the end of my first year.

Within my first year I was invited to do a TV Interview in Manhatten, NYC (a big deal for this small town Canadian girl!) and then another one shortly after for a national station in Canada. I felt so alive being able to share my mission and passion with as many people as possible!
A couple years into my business I felt very called to share as much as I could through my first solo book - the Awakening. To my surprise and delight, it became a best seller on Day 1 of release, and went on to win awards. My publishing company invited me as their keynote speaker for their Awards Gala that same year.

Feeling super called to create more in-person experiences, I started offering my first live (in-person) events and retreats in 2018 and 2019. Some of the best days of my life! I also continued with international speaking engagements both in-person and online, as I released my most soul aligned creation yet - The Awakener Certification - in Oct 2019.
We cross the 7 figure mark in our business, which is of course exciting - but moreso because it signifies how many people we’ve been able to connect with, and positively impact along the way.
Oct 2019-Present - My Awakeners have been uncovering their purpose, transitioning out of misaligned jobs and into soul aligned lives. They’ve been uplifting, empowering, and inspiring others along the way. They’ve been stepping into their highest potential, and positively impacting the world as a result. They’ve become authors, speakers, coaches, healers, writers, artists, and more. It’s been AMAZING to witness and to be apart of. We are a growing soul family, stronger together, and we’re just getting started!!! As travel and gathering begins opening up, there are more live events, retreats, and exciting things in store for us in 2024 and beyond!!!

“If living your dreams, creating a limitless income for your family, and positively impacting the lives of others around the world is possible for this small town girl from Canada - with no handouts, headstarts, or backup plans - it’s possible for you, too.
Like a sling shot that must be pulled backwards first in order to gain the momentum to thrust forward, we must be willing to leap before the net appears.
If we wait until we’re feeling ready, safe, and comfortable, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.
My question for you is...
Are you done with waiting? ”

Official Bio
Jennifer Jayde is the Leading and Best Selling Alignment Author, Speaker, and Coach for Women who Desire to Inspire.
Jennifer Jayde is an internationally, 5x time bestselling and multiple award winning Author, International Speaker, and Leading Worldwide Soul Aligned Success Coach for those who desire to align their source of income, with their sense of purpose. She has been featured in notable Magazines, interviews and podcasts internationally, appeared on television in both Canada and the USA, and spoken in front of many captivated audiences including Stanford University and UCLA. She’s also the host of the Soul Adventurer podcast, which has ranked top 20 on Apple Podcasts in the highly competitive Self-Help category.
As seen (or heard) on NBC, CBS, the CW, Fox, Business Insider, Yahoo News, MarketWatch, the Daily Herald, the Boston Herald, MorningWatch, Ask.com, the Inspirational 30 TV Show, Commando Coach TV Show, The Huffington Post, THRIVE Global, Rizing Magazine, It Girl Radio, I Heart My Life with Emily Williams, Countless Interviews and Conferences, Featured Guest Speaker at the Wanderpreneur International Retreat, RBC Royal Bank of Canada Keynote Speaker, Featured Guest Speaker at the GBR Publishing House Awards, Syndicated on Sony, Sharp, Apple TV, LG and Samsung. Also featured on the widely popular Sell or Die podcast, the 3 Day Workweek Podcast, the Mind Over Matter Podcast, the Rachel Varga Podcast, the Women United Project and more…
With over 20 years of study and experience with personal development, human behaviour, spiritual growth - and aligning our human experience with our soul’s most fulfilling desires - Jennifer Jayde’s message that not only do we deserve to live a Soul Aligned life full time, but that we are actually meant to - has now reached an audience of over 100 million people and counting, and she is excited by the idea of connecting further with you. Her greatest joy is in guiding others to live their most soul-aligned life freely, successfully, and abundantly. We are all deserving of living a life aligned with our purpose - and this is what Jennifer was put on this earth to empower others with…
Short Bio
Jennifer Jayde is an internationally, 5x time bestselling and multiple award winning Author, International Speaker and Worldwide Alignment Coach for Aspiring and Existing Female Entrepreneurs who desire to Inspire. Born and raised in Canada into humble beginnings with no hand outs, head starts, or extraordinary talents, she has now been featured in notable Magazines, interviews and podcasts internationally, appeared on television in both Canada and the USA, and spoken in front of many captivated audiences - with her message that everyone can (and is meant to) live a Soul Aligned life - full-time. She’s also the host of the popular spiritual growth podcast - the Soul Adventurer, which has ranked top 20 on Apple Podcasts. Her #1 best selling book, the Awakening - A Guide to Spiritually Awaken Your Highest Self, Intuitive Connection, and Deepest Purpose - has become an Award Winning Finalist in the International Book Awards, earned the Author’s Award with GBR Publishing House, and is available worldwide on Amazon now.