Where you’ll identify your unique purpose and be shown the way to create both a lasting impact in the world, and a fulfilling income as a result. The Awakener Certification gives you a proven step-by-step roadmap to uncovering your purpose, and growing your profitable, purposeful business online - SO YOU CAN FINALLY IMPACT THE WORLD in the way only YOU can!! (Without any further schooling, student loans, or certifications necessary!)
Finally - the Official Awakener’s Certification is here!
For the Woman Ready to Align her Source of Income with Her Source of Purpose,
and finally live a Thriving, Soul Aligned Life - Full Time.
You’ve felt it, haven’t you…The call to a life with more meaning and purpose. To be of service to others in a way that is fulfilling for you, and uplifting for those around you. To live freely and abundantly, in true alignment with Your Soul…
Whether you are 1-2-or 3…
Welcome, my fellow Awakener - this is exactly where YOU belong…
Here you will learn to become a fully trained and Certified Awakener - someone who combines her Awakener Training with her own life experience, struggles and triumphs, to help others through theirs in YOUR most soul aligned way!
(The possibilities are endless! Some Awakeners become published authors, some work with private 1x1 clients, some speak on stage, some start their own podcast, some host retreats and workshops, some become healers, teachers, mentors, life guides, and more! The possibilities truly are endless once you know your unique purpose, and have the Awakener Certification training to give you your road map from purpose clarity to paying clients!)
We will walk you A-Z from Purpose Discovery, to Paying Clients.
Welcome to:
It’s time to create a life of freedom and fulfilment in alignment with Your Great Purpose.
It’s time to live Your Soul Aligned Life - full time.
Welcome, my beautiful soul sister!!
This is for you IF:
You’ve been feeling unfulfilled in your current job, business, career, or role as a stay-at-home-mom
Yes you are open to receiving an overflow of abundance, freedom, and beautiful things in your life (me too!) but that is NOT the driving force behind what you want to do in your life. You have an even greater desire to be of service to others - to uplift, inspire, and empower them. THIS IS WHERE your deepest sense of JOY and truest sense of fulfilment actually comes from.
You’ve always been a driven, ambitious and motivated type of woman, but have realized that the traditional success you worked so hard to create, is not actually fulfilling you anymore (if ever)
You have this nagging whisper in the back of your mind that you’re meant for something more
You have a subtle or strong suspicion that you’re meant to write a book, speak on stages, hold workshops, host retreats, or something else that truly excites your soul (even if you have no idea how or why yet!)
You know deep down you’re meant to uplift, inspire, and empower others in some way
You’ve felt drawn to connect more to your true self and purpose, especially Spiritually
Your current unfulfillment may have started showing up as symptoms in other areas of your life. For example, over indulging in food, chocolate, wine, other alcoholic beverages, spending, netflix, or any other distraction that provides instant gratification, and not long lasting joy
Perhaps it’s gotten as far as weight gain, credit card debt, feelings of resentment towards your husband, impatience with your kids, or distancing slowly from your friends and family
There’s a good chance you’ve been feeling tired and sluggish
The thoughts “Is this all there really is? Is this as good as it gets for me” have entered your mind more than once.
You’ve perhaps enrolled in a network marketing company, because you’re very drawn to the idea of helping others live their best life, but for some reason your business is just not taking off like many of those around you
It may also feel as though you’re going through the motions of life, but not really and truly LIVING it with passion, exhilaration, purpose and joy - which are ALL possible - AND MEANT - for you!
This is NOT for You IF:
You’d still rather argue for your limitations, then open up and see what’s possible with faith, trust, and courage.
You’re still clinging to lack of money and time as an excuse, rather than getting creative, resourceful, thinking outside the box, and finding a way to make your soul aligned dreams HAPPEN
Unwilling to take even 1 baby step forward in FAITH (ask me how if you’re not sure! Pm me or hit ‘reply’ to any of my emails)
Do not trust in a Source greater than yourself to support you along the way
Not willing to stretch beyond your comfort zone, to feel the fear and do it anyway. To be brave. To be courageous.
You’re willing to live your life and get to your death bed never knowing what could have been.
Unwilling to at least TRY.
This container is a safe-space for loving and encouraging energy only. This is not an aligned space for those with tendencies to lash out at others from unhealed spaces within themselves. Those who bring less than loving energy will be kindly asked to leave.
You’re still living in a box of limited possibility - rather than open to thinking OUTSIDE the box, getting creative, trusting your soul’s nudges, and being open to deliberately and intentionally moving forward into the life your soul is calling you towards (This would look like “I can’t move forward until I have more money in the bank, have more time, my kids are grown, holidays are over, I feel more confident and ready, the Universe proves to me it’s safe first, I know for certain I’ll succeed before I take one step forward, etc …)
You have zero interest in personal development, self-help, mindset, or Spiritual growth
You don’t feel inspired by uplifting and empowering others
You still believe that a lack of time and money are to blame for your current situation, and that you can’t move forward in your life until you have more time and more money (hint: this is exactly the kind of backwards thinking that will have you running in circles the rest of your life - when you trust your intuitive nudges you are being lead to more joy and abundance than ever before! But most people refuse to take a step forward in faith..and thus continue to feel like they’re chasing their own tail and never getting anywhere)
You’re looking for a get rich quick scheme, and not a lifelong commitment to joy, purpose, fulfilment - even if it means having the courage to go well beyond your current comfort zone.
Living a life of purpose, soul alignment, and heart-centred service that RESULTS in creating an abundant life, doesn’t make sense to you
You’re still allowing fear to run the show and convince you to not even try due to a lack mindset. A lack mindset will never make you rich in any type of way. Allowing fear to make all of your big life decisions for you, including whether or not to invest into a new future for your Self, Your Soul, Your Family and all the many lives you’re meant to inspire along the way - will keep you in a fear based life…
It was the Universe that brought you here, but only YOU can make the Free Will choice to accept the path it’s showing you.
Still here? GREAT.
( I knew you would be! :)
A Certified Awakener learns + refines her ability to Intuitively Guide, Teach and Lead others in a way that is Meaningful + Soulfully Aligned for Her, using her Life Experience and her Awakener Certification Training to guide her.
You’ve come to the right place, at exactly the right time…

The Awakener Certification is the first of it’s kind, and ONLY training available that walks you all the way from Awakening to Your Purpose, Aligning with Your Highest Self, and becoming an Inspiration for others. Your soul has been guiding you towards this all along, my beautiful soul sister…
~ Ultimately you will be guided to Discover Your Purpose and turn it into Your Soul Aligned Business, so you’re finally free to live a Soul Aligned Life - full time! ~
You Will Be Guided All the Way Through Your Transformation in becoming a Full-Time Awakener, including:
Gaining Clarity on Your Unique Purpose
Releasing old stuck energy, self-limiting thoughts, and old beliefs that have been keeping you stuck
Discovering YOUR unique talents and gifts that you never knew you had
Realizing what parts of your life have been the exact education and training you needed for your next steps as an Awakener
Exactly how to Guide/Teach/Mentor your clients for soul aligned success
Developing the mind/body/spirit of a successful entrepreneur
Learning how to connect to Source for greater ease, success, joy, and fulfillment
What your Soul Aligned offerings will be
How to Awaken Others in your unique way (how to coach, lead, inspire, uplift and empower others) Don’t worry - I will train you and prepare you for this, and give you every resource you need! :)
Strengthening Your Intuition so you can serve others Intuitively and Powerfully, as well as exponentially grow your business, and remain aligned and strongly guided even after our time together as completed
How to grow and nurture an international audience that desperately needs what you feel called to share, many of whom will become your paying clients
How to create your first paying client (and many more from there!)
HOW TO GROW A GLOBAL ONLINE BRAND BASED ON YOUR SOUL ALIGNED MESSAGE WE UNCOVER TOGETHER INSIDE THE AWAKENER CERTIFICATION! (No more begging friends and family to buy your products or services! And without having to live your life on social media if you don’t want to, either!!)
I’ll reveal how I generated 6 figures in sales in my first 6 months of business, 1/4 million in my first year, and gone on to become a 7 Figure, Best Selling and Award Winning Author, Speaker and Soul Aligned Life Guide in less than 5 years -all the while staying true to myself, my Soul - and having FUN! (And of course, what I would do differently!!!) Living a JOYFUL LIFE is my top priority, not being a slave to my business. I’ll show you how it’s possible to love your life FULL-TIME AND be financially successful, without sacrificing your joy!
******* I’ll also share behind the scenes of how I’ve hosted live events, tropical retreats, became a 2x award winning and 3x best selling author, am continually asked to speak at international events + retreats + popular podcasts with millions of downloads, was invited to TV interviews in Canada + US, and requested to be interviewed regularly - if this appeals to you :) I also host my own Podcast, the Soul Adventurer, which hit the Self-Help top 20 list in Canada within just a few weeks of release, and will share how I created this as well for those who’d like to explore this route *****
The Awakener's Certification is Certification Program that helps guide you through uncovering your own unique calling in life, offers tools for self reflection/analysis for moving beyond fears and self doubts that have been holding you back from stepping into the fullest version of you and your highest potential for your life thus far, and then trains you how to use these same tools (combined with your own unique life experience, wisdom, expertise, education, purpose) and facilitate Awakener sessions with clients of your own in various ways. These could be private 1x1 sessions online or in-person, teaching courses, offering group guidance/lessons online or in person, hosting retreats, workshops, or even speaking at conferences, on stages and even at Awakener events.
You get to choose how quickly you work through this Certification. Some comfortably complete it within 3 months, others take their time with up to 12 months to complete.
Unlike many other certifications where only the skill is taught - in our Awakener's Certification, you will ALSO be guided through the practical steps of setting up your own business practise online, attracting and building an audience from all over the world, and growing your own soul aligned business onwards and upwards from there with paying clients. In fact, it is our intention that you would make your Awakener Certification investment back within your first few client packages or first group offering. However, you will still have the tools, resources, knowledge and guidance to continue building and growing your income exponentially from there.
On top of working with your own private 1x1 clients, we also include guidance on becoming a best selling author (and are currently in talks of having our own in-house publisher!), a successful podcast host, how to hold international tropical retreats, and/or live events - should these options appeal to you as well, as they tend to with many of our other Awakeners. They uncover the message they feel called to share and are thrilled to be able to offer it through a variety of different mediums.
The Awakener Certification is especially designed for those who know they desire to uplift, inspire, and empower others in a way they find fulfilling and meaningful to them - often leaning into their own life experiences, education, struggles, triumphs, and professional expertise to serve others from. This program is designed to walk you from uncovering your unique purporse clarity, all the way to paying clients of your own.
The Awakener community has become a place where one can go to, to feel welcomed, a sense of belonging, a place of encouragement, upliftment, and even gather your first few practise clients from, and feedback on your offerings.
Once Certified, you become part of the client referral network, are given a logo to place on your website, and a Certificate of Completion you're welcome to hang on your wall. It's also from the pool of Certified Awakeners that will have opportunities to be a guest on the Soul Adventurer Podcast - which has been ranked top 20 in Self-Help on Apple Podcasts (our 2nd season begins this summer) alongside guests that have appeared on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday, the Agape Spiritual Center, and our latest confirmed interview guest has her own TV show as a medium. We continually elevate the Awakener brand so we can also help to elevate you, your visibility, your message, your mission and your credibility using our platform (in addition to your own platform that we will have shown you how to create inside the program).
Eventually, once safe, we will be hosting live in-person events, and inviting our Certified Awakeners as guest speakers on our stage, and other perks we will share once the time comes.
We will also be looking to our community of Certified Awakeners as we need to hire additional team members and coaches as our community and platform continues to grow.
The investment into the Awakener's Certification is the investment into a whole new trajectory for your life, and the ability to make a strong positive impact in the lives of others as well. It is a community that supports your growth and your dreams, and is continually growing in effort to continually support you and your success. As John F Kennedy once said - we believe a Rising Tide Lifts All Boats.
What you will learn inside the Awakener's Certification will benefit you not just for the time you are in it, but give you the tools to continually expand upon your success for many years to come.
Even after you complete the 12 Modules and 12 Calls over the initial 12 weeks, you actually have up to 12 months to complete your Certification - and once complete - you are welcome and encouraged to remain and active and valued member of our rapidly expanding Awakener community. This often leads to even more opportunities for collaborations on books, podcasts, speaking engagements, and beyond.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask! :) We're here to help.
Registration is temporarily open now to a limited number of new students, in order to keep the experience as intimate and closely connected with each student as possible. Many other similar programs often allow hundreds of new students, have hired other coaches the students have never met before, and don't even know your name or have any direct contact with you. In the Awakener's Certification, you are personally guided every step of the way, by Jennifer, and become a member of our family :)
How is the Awakener Certification Different from Other Online Courses or Coaching Certifications?
Firstly - an Awakener does so much more than just coach….
I created the Awakener’s Certification because I saw a giant hole (and NEED) for it. This is why…
We take you all the way from Purpose Clarity - to Paying Clients!! Not just one skill where you have no idea how to actually attract clients, or ONLY teaching business but no actual valuable skill to offer…
I realized there were actually many people in the world like me, who feel called to serve others in a greater, far more meaningful capacity than what a typical 9-5 job can offer. BUT they feel under-educated, under-prepared, and even mystified by what that may be for them. They need the same support in identifying their purpose, that I once so desperately needed (and finally found after working with my own coach). Inside the Awakener’s Certification, we will together uncover what lights your soul up to offer the world, that life has actually been secretly preparing you for all along…There’s A TON of trainings online that are only teaching what worked for the person teaching it. They want you to give you a cookie-cutter approach - and then put the blame on you when it doesn’t work for you (trust me, I know from experience), saying you haven’t done enough mindset work, or you still have too many self limiting beliefs, or you’re not working hard enough. In turn, it’s very easy to take this personally, and deem yourself a ‘failure’ or believe that maybe you’re ‘just not cut out for this.’ Or - “Maybe it’s not meant to be for me.” In reality, your soul aligned path may be entirely different from theirs. This is why I don’t just give you my cookie cutter path and expect it to work for everyone. OF COURSE, I will share what worked for me, because it may feel aligned for you too. But I will also work with you in uncovering YOUR soul aligned path to success, and give guidance on how to create your business - in YOUR most soul aligned way.
Awakeners blend their most powerful strengths and wisdom in order to serve others. They don’t JUST life coach, or JUST offer NLP, or JUST offer Reiki, or JUST offer Mediumship, or just offer any other ONE tool. Awakeners join the Certification to hone their Intuition, uncover their innate skills, gifts, knowledge and wisdom, and blend this with their own previous Life Experiences, professional or business experience, education, recreational learnings, spiritual growth, etc - and offer a powerful blend of Intuitive Coaching, Life Inspired Guidance, Mentoring and/or Spiritual Teaching. These are just some of the skills you will be taught and sharpen inside the Awakener’s Certification, and can be carried with you as you serve clients 1x1 from anywhere in the world. These skills also prepare you to write your best selling books, speak from stages, hold workshops, host retreats, etc.
I have a LOT of women privately reaching out to me that had joined network marketing companies (like I once had) because they felt called to create a life of freedom for themselves, at the same time as being of meaningful service to others. However, they were limited to who they could help by who would be willing to purchase their companies’ products, and their businesses weren’t flourishing in the way they’d hoped. The Awakener Certification eliminates this bottle neck in how many people you can reach and serve (and how), and helps you do so in an entirely soul aligned way that feels GOOD and exciting and authentic and genuine to YOU and your purpose. For me, I used to feel ‘icky’ pretending to genuinely reach out to people, only to know in the back of my mind I was secretly hoping they’d buy my MLM products. If this has been your experience as well, upon completion of the Awakener’s Certification, you’ll never have to feel this way again.
4. When it comes to traditional Life Coaching Certifications - I’ve had many many clients fully equipped, ready and MORE than prepared to work professionally with their own clients, but felt they’d have a little extra dose of confidence in getting started knowing they have an official Certification behind their name. But when they asked me which certification I’d recommend, there were none I could find I felt were all-encompassing enough to validate the investment. (I am certified myself but truthfully was not shown how to start a business, simply to ask coaching questions. So I paid $60,000 USD in additional coaching trainings in my first 15 months as a coach - that now you won’t have to! I will offer you everything I learned inside the Awakener’s Certification. Many programs teach solely the life coaching aspect, but disregard teaching you how to actually start a thriving, soul aligned business online. One thing I’ve learned - it’s better to learn from the best of the best, active in their field, than from teachers who no longer actively have successful, current businesses in today’s world. There are other programs teach primarily the business side, specific marketing strategies or focus heavily on making money, with no real checking in with your Soul to ensure you’re actually taking ALIGNED action. If you’re not aligned, it doesn’t matter how many strategies you know, it will feel like an uphill, unfulfilling (and often unsuccessful) battle. The Awakener’s Certification encompasses EVERYTHING you need in order to live a Soul Aligned life, full-time - from uncovering your unique purpose, to getting clear on HOW you can serve others (and being trained how to coach/lead/mentor/inspire in a way that’s aligned for you), and how you can continually grow your thriving, Soul Aligned business with paying clients from around the world.
5. Absolutely, there are some PHENOMENAL Life Coaching courses available, however, a lot of my clientele are spiritual in nature, (or becoming more spiritual) - and felt that there wasn’t a life coaching training that encompassed and incorporated the spiritual/energetic aspect fully as well (which for me, has been the MOST IMPORTANT PIECE to my success!) Understanding energy, ego, and intuition have all been some of my greatest assets in exponentially growing my business, and how I serve my clients deeply and powerfully. Inside the Awakener’s Certification, you will be taught how to connect more deeply to your Intuitive and energetic gifts for both personal and business purposes, activate your magnetic energy for attracting clients, and how to align your energy to welcome more abundance into your life than you ever have before.
6. Or sometimes just the opposite - the training is 98% Esoteric/Metaphysical, and not a whole lot of grounded, practical, real life guidance, advice, or soul-aligned strategy is given. Inside the Awakener’s Certification, you will absolutely receive a balance of both.
7. Many of my clients do not resonate with the term “Life Coach” and therefore don’t feel inclined to invest tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours into the old traditional form of “life coaching'.’ Which also leaves you with only one tool by the end of the program, and a set of limiting rules you’re told to fit in to. (And often without guidance in building an online, soul aligned successful brand). An Awakener much more deeply describes my students - whom often end up offering a combination coaching, mentoring, and teaching - often speaking, writing best selling books, and hosting retreats as well - in their own soul aligned style, without being told what that should be. Above all, Awakener’s serve others in a freeing way that is meaningful to them and aligned with their Purpose. They are helping in the raising of Consciousness, one client (and an infinite ripple effect) at a time. They grow to become Intuitive Coaches, Self-Love Coaches, Holistic Nutritionists, Channellers, Healers, Writers, Intuitive Speakers, Retreat Hosts, Spiritual Teachers, Mediums, Tarot or Angel Card Readers, Soul Aligned Success Coaches, Soul Aligned Business Coaches, Soulful Brand Strategists, Best Selling Authors, and more.
8. There are a lot of Spiritual teachers online right now (and we work as an unspoken team in all our variety of ways!) though we are not all alike. Some are much more money and material objects driven - and while we are most definitely WORTHY and MEANT to live an abundant life, material objects and possessions are not the driving force behind my teachings and trainings. Rather, they are the RESULT of living in alignment with Your Purpose. My focus is on getting you in absolute alignment with living your Purpose full-time. (I used to strive so hard for money, and even when I reached 6 figures as a mortgage broker in my early 20’s, and then again as a photographer in my mid-late 20’s, and had all the ‘stuff’ I thought would make me happy - I still always felt something was missing. It was FULFILMENT. Once I uncovered how to live fulfilled in alignment with my purpose, that’s when I finally felt deep happiness and joy like I never had before, AND as a result, the flow of abundance was even greater than ever before as well).
Unlike most other programs where they register as many people as they possibly can to make the most money possible, where you can’t even access the Instructor/Coach/Mentor to ask any questions because hundreds/thousands of other people are asking questions too, or you only get to speak to the associate-coaches… The Awakener’s Certification is LIMITED to a MAXIMUM number of new students at a time to keep this an intimate learning experience for you. You are not just another nameless face in the crowd - you are a valued family member of the Awakener Soul Family - and you will be guided by Jennifer directly. We will get to know you, connect with you, know your dreams, your desires, and how we can support you through your fears. You belong here, and we will have a close connection with you every step of the way.
This is how the Awakener’s Certification is different from the rest, as it leads you to YOUR Soul Aligned Life, rather than trying to force you to replicate someone else’s.
The Awakener Certification is for Spiritually Inclined Women who Desire to Inspire - and as a Result, Create an Abundant Living in Alignment with their one true Purpose.
Is that you, Sister?
If it’s possible in the world, it’s possible for YOU.
- From Dental Hygienist to Full Time Soul Aligned Life! -
Christine hit $9k in her first full time soul aligned month! Here’s what she has to say about it…

Meet Jennifer Jayde

Hi Sister!
Chances are, if you’re reading these words right now, we’re definitely meant to meet - if we haven’t already! :)
The truth is, if you’re here - we probably have far more in common than you think. We may have different upbringings, but something about our heart, our desires, and our passion will be eerily similar….
I was born into humble beginnings in a small town in Canada (on Vancouver Island, to be exact!) with a single Mom by the time I was 3.5 years old, and a long line of dysfunction on both sides of my family.
I didn’t know it then, but I chose this life and background with good reason, and so did you :)
Knowing that we were struggling to get by each month, I started hustling before my 5th birthday, with Kool-Aid stands, handmade greeting cards, then onto paper routes, and my first ‘real’ job working 24 hours a week at the local movie theatre while pressurizing myself to maintain straight A’s, play on 3 different soccer teams (house, rep, and on our High School team), and go to dance twice a week. (Soon I had a melt down and dance was the first to go, but I still miss it to this day!)
I worked by buns off and I was chasing ‘success’ as quickly as possible. I didn’t want to live in the worry and anxiety I had witnessed as a child, so it made sense to me that if I were ‘successful’ - I would be happy and free of worry.
I was a full- time mortgage broker before the age of 22, and was 100% responsible for creating every penny of my own income. Essentially I was self-employed, working as an independent contractor for an existing mortgage business.
I felt like a fish out of water, trying to swim upstream, in a place I didn’t belong in at all.
But I was no stranger to hustling and working hard, so out of sheer will-power, I was able to check all the things off my “success” list. The house, the car, the big wedding, the fur baby, the rental condo, trips, shopping, travel, spa dates, concerts etc….
And as you probably guessed - it did NOT bring me a deep sense of true happiness, nor freedom from worry, nor fulfillment or a sense of purpose.
As I was seriously second guessing my life, and scared sh*tless that I had made all the wrong decisions and now had created my own personal prison, trapped in a life I don’t love…I was literally brought to my knees when I found out a close family member of mine had 1 year left to live. Watching him slowly succumb to a terminal illness was the most horrifying, eye opening experience of my life.
This changed EVERYTHING. And I was no longer willing to settle for a life where I dreaded Mondays, lived for Fridays, and wished the years would hurry up so I could get to retirement and actually enjoy my life, sooner.
Wishing my life away felt like a slap in the face to my family member, who literally would’ve given ANYTHING just to see one more day.
When he lost his life, he awakened me to truly start living mine.
I started transitioning to my childhood dream business of destination wedding photography. I used my credit cards to invest in learning from all the best mentors I could find. I flew to Europe, the Caribbean and the USA to learn from some of the top wedding photographers in the world.
I started valuing my TIME, more than I worried about money - and that’s when my whole life began to change!
I hit the ground running with my photography business thanks to working with mentors that helped condense my learning curve significantly.
I began being commissioned to photograph weddings at high end luxury beach resorts on Vancouver Island, then the Caribbean, Hawaii, and even Australia.
I began winning awards and being published in magazines.
But most of all - I FINALLY LOVED MY LIFE!!!!!!!!
It felt like I was living a “pinch me” kind of life every single day. A life that I never actually believed could be possible for me...
For about 3 years that is, until the sinking sensation that this was no longer meant for me started to creep in, yet again.
I was still being hired to shoot weddings and travel the world, but somehow I was secretly feeling terrified, lost, stuck, and worried I would never feel as happy as I once had, ever again. I started gaining weight, and pulling away from my husband, family and friends.
I felt like a terrible person, because I had a great life. “Shouldn’t I just be more grateful? Am I a bad person? What’s wrong with me…”
I would hide behind a fake smile, growing credit card debt, and added pounds.
In a nutshell - it was actually my soul guiding me to do the work that I do now - something more meaningful and purposeful to me - helping secretly unfulfilled women like I once was, uncover their purpose, and finally live a truly Soul Aligned life, full time!
With this new realization, the first thing I did is the same thing I did last time I desired a change in my life’s direction - I hired a mentor! And within 6 months had created my first 6 figures. Within 12 months my first 1/4 Million and within 2.5 years my first 1/2 Million - in a way that was completely joyful, aligned, and meaningful to me.
My days now are what I once didn’t believe could ever be possible for me..
Every day up until noon - is just for me. No clients, no meetings, no work, no nothing. I love to serve greatly, and I know I cannot serve at my best from an empty vessel, so I create this space for filling my soul cup each day…
I live free of alarm clocks, allowing my body to awaken naturally
I meditate for 20 minutes, and give myself an Angel Card reading if I feel like it
I move my body - either a walk on the beach next to my home in Southern California, a bike ride along the coast, or attempt to roller skate ;)
I have a nice hot shower, a shake, and relax until it’s time to ‘work’ which fuels and ignites my soul, and doesn’t feel right to even call it ‘work’ at all
MY HUSBAND NO LONGER HAS TO WORK A JOB HE HATES! And instead spends his days as free as me - enjoying the things he loves to do, and more time together for us and the fun things we love!
And more than money could ever buy - I am finally feeling fulfilled, and living my purpose. I am impacting lives for the better, while enjoying every moment of my own.
For me, there is no greater feeling than this.
The truth is, I’ve since invested over $100k usd into my personal coaching, business coaching, education, spiritual growth and continued learning. And yes, I went into the terrifying reaches of debt in order to do so (in full transparency!)
But because you’re here with me - now you won’t have to invest the 6 figures that I already did!
I’m combining all of the cream of the crop of everything I’ve learned - from my 10+ years as an entrepreneur, from the over $100k I’ve invested into my coaches and mentors, my own experience as a coach, mentor and Spiritual teacher - and rolling them all up into one PHENOMENAL, life altering training program for you - so you can save yourself the costly mistakes, the blood/sweat/tears, the late nights, the $100k worth of investments, and the 10 years of life it took for me to learn what I know now.
Instead - you’ll find $100k+ of investing and years of trial and error (and great success!) experience all beautifully packaged up for you inside
the Awakener’s Certification.

The Awakener’s Certification includes everything you need to;
1) Awaken Your Purpose
2) Align With Your Highest Self
3) Inspire Others + Create Paying, Soul Aligned Clients - right away
Why now?

10 Questions to Help You Decide if Now is Your Time
First - IF THIS WERE THE LAST 6 MONTHS OF YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU SAY YES TO BECOMING AN INSPIRATION TO , and HELPING OTHERS? (Which is exactly what the Awakener’s Certification shows you how to do :)) If yes, it is a soul aligned ‘yes’ for you, and only your fear is trying to hold you back…How can you be certain this isn’t your last 6 months in this life? What would you say YES to now, rather than keep putting off (until eventually an entire lifetime passes you by? Which is exactly the #1 Regret MOST PEOPLE HAVE on their deathbeds according to Palliative Care nurse and author, Bronnie Ware. Don’t let yourself be one of them, my friend!!!)
1) If you continue to make decisions based on where you’re currently at, how will you ever get to where you want to be?
That question above was asked to me by my first life coach - and it literally changed everything for me from that moment forward. I was tired of being tired. Tired of feeling stuck. Tired of wishing my life away, to the next weekend, holiday, or vacation. But I kept making decisions based out of fear, scarcity, and lack. No wonder I wasn’t getting off my own hamster wheel! Until he asked me that question - then I started to make decisions based on who I wanted to BECOME - and my whole life changed quickly, and significantly.
2) No decision at all, is a decision for everything to remain the same. How will you feel 6 months from now, if nothing changes? What will life feel like a year from now if that’s the case? The same, or worse?
Are you willing to start a new decade, still feeling like you’re not living up to your true potential and purpose in life?
For me, the longer I waited to take actual inspired Action (due to fear convincing me to shrink away from getting the support I needed!) - the more withdrawn and unhappy I felt. The deeper I sank into a world of gray, with no real excitement or purpose. I began to worry I’d never feel truly happy and satisfied with my life. To fill the void in my unfulfilled soul, I succumbed to the instant gratification world of over indulging in food, ice cream, desserts, treats, TV, wine, chocolate, and shopping. I went further and further into credit card debt, said hello to added pounds, and almost goodbye to my Husband, too. I didn’t see my friends much as I didn’t want to fake a smile. I had always been so driven and ambitious my entire life, I didn’t recognize who I’d become, and I didn’t want to be her for long.
I almost lost everything, because I was too afraid to do anything…Until one day I decided, I wasn’t going to allow Fear to stop me for ONE. MORE. SECOND!
3) Who else is your fear affecting?
Is it affecting your husband, your relationship? On a scale of 1-10, what quality of wife/partner are you showing up as each day?
Have you become short tempered with those around you, namely your kids or fur babies? Perhaps your Mom, Spouse, or best friend? Do you take the things they say and do way too personally because you’re actually feeling off-course in your own self?
Is your physical body being loved and cared for, or judged and neglected? Have you been putting on weight, feeling tired and disconnected from others?
Are you being the example to your children and loved ones of hopes, dreams, courage and reaching for highest potential - or of self-doubt, worry, and fear?
4) What if today, you took a brave step forward in a new direction for your life?
Who would you inspire with your act of bravery and courage today?
How many doors and possibilities would suddenly open to you?
What if this was the first domino in a whole ripple effect of a new and exciting direction for your life?
5) Who else would benefit?
When you become your best, happiest, and most fulfilled self - guess what - EVERYBODY WINS!
And when you create more abundance in your life as a result, who else will benefit from that, too? More family trips together? A special vacation with a girlfriend who needs it? Better schools for your kids? More real life adventure with your Partner? A special gift your Mom or Dad has always wanted but would never buy for themself? Retire your partner from a job they despise?!
6) How many people could you be helping right now if only you’d get out of your own way?
You may not even know how you’re meant to help people just yet, but you will learn inside the Awakener’s Certification - and these people are already waiting for you to step up as we speak
7) The #1 Biggest Regret of the Dying: Wishing they’d had the courage to live a life true to themselves, and not the one others expected of them. ***Will you have this regret on yours?***
As famously shared by author and 20+ year Palliative Care Nurse, Bronnie Ware. Better to find out what’s possible - than to never know what could’ve been…
8) If not now, when?
Your fear (ego) will always always always, for the REST of your life, find a very convincing, logical, rational reason why you SHOULDN’T listen to the inner whisperings and nudges of your Soul. It will tell you to “wait until next time” wait until you have more money, or are out of debt, or for a better time, or for when you’re more confident, more prepared, more savings in the bank. But as Lemony Snicket says - “If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting the rest of our lives…”
9) Trust the inner whisperings of your Soul, they always know the way…
“How many times have you gone against your gut, only to find yourself at odds with the natural flow of things? We all get caught up in the business of doing, and sometimes lose our place in the flow. But the more we can tune in to our intuition, the better off we are. I believe it's how God speaks to us.” - Oprah
10) What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
The answer is your soul aligned truth, trust you will be supported every step of the way…
you will!
”Leap and the Net Will Appear”
The phrase from a mentor that finally caused me to take action on behalf of my soul. I hope it does the same for you, sister :)
(Hint: It did appear, and it has every single time since. We cannot learn to fly, if we never take the leap. The Universe has your back, every, single, time <3 )
If you were making this decision based on your highest + best self + most courageous self, what would she encourage you to do?
It’s time to feel ALIVE again!

Step 1 - Celebrate Yourself For Making a Courageous Decision on Behalf of Your Soul, taking a step forward in faith, and all those who’s lives you’re about to positively impact as an Awakener!! How will you celebrate?!
Step 2 - Click the pink button below with the investment plan of your choice, that suits you best! (Feel the fear and do it anyway!! This is how you create a life beyond your current comfort zone!)
Step 3 - You’ll receive instant access to our Awakener’s Only Member area, where you’ll receive your free gifts, exciting bonuses, and can begin Orientation right away! Your Soul Sisters and I are waiting inside to CELEBRATE with you!!!
— But for you, Sister, you can begin taking steps towards your Soul Aligned Life TODAY - for much less (while space lasts!)
Click below to see your options…
The Awakener’s Certification includes every resource I used to go from clueless to 6 Figures within 6 Months of my Soul Aligned Business (everything that my own certification never included for me...) And now, I’ve refined them and am giving them all directly to you!!!
1) Create clients and a thriving, fulfilling income without ever feeling “salesy” again!
2) How to Guide/Teach/Mentor/Help Heal Your Clients Deeply and Powerfully as an Awakener
3) Powerful trainings to benefit you as the Awakener, and also for you to use with your own clients as well!
More Specificially, we’ll be working together over the course of 6 months:
* 12 Live Coaching Calls with Me ( NEW: 6 months of live support via private group calls and private fb group!!) with Replays for your Convenience (yes, I’ll be right by your side for 6 months!)
* 12 Video/Audio Training with Workbooks for Learning On Your Schedule (still enjoy your life as you’re learning, take up to 12 months to complete if you need!)
* Private Awakener’s Members Only Area for Daily Support during our time together (your soul sisters are ready to support you, too!)
Our Live Program together will begin right away once registration closes with 1 Video Training + Workbook per week and 2-3 intimate live Coaching/Training Calls per month. There are 12 total group coaching calls, 12 total modules, and you have 12 full months to complete your Certification if you need it, though it can usually be comfortably completed within 3-6 months. Enough to keep you moving forward, but with plenty of room for relaxing and still enjoying your life!
— But for you, Sister, you can begin taking steps towards your Soul Aligned Life TODAY - for much less (while space lasts!)
Click below to see your options…
And on one seemingly ordinary day, one simple decision can alter the course of the rest of our life…(and as a result, many others lives around you, too!)

Heck no!!! (But you can if that's what you feel soul aligned with). An Awakener is someone who desires to INSPIRE, uplift, and empower others in their OWN unique way!!! We will uncover YOUR unique purpose, and YOUR desired way of sharing it with the world in a way that feels good and aligned and EXCITING to YOU!
Yes, some Awakeners do feel called to support people in ways similar to Jen, but some do TOTALLY different things to leave a lasting impact on the world - and they are Awakeners too! For example, once we uncover your deepest calling, message and mission together, some Awakeners then use the tools they learn in the Certification to:
* go from Stay-at-home Mom (and more) to best selling published author
* Speak on stages (in-person and online)
* Host tropical or local retreats, or both!
* Offer workshops locally, virtually, or both
* Podcast hosts
* Online course creators
* Expand their Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy or Energy Healing Practise to clients around the world!
* Traditional Teachers, Yoga Teachers (and more) becoming Spiritual Teachers and Soul Aligned Life Guides worldwide
* Expand their Counselling, Talk Therapy or Phsychology practise to clients around the world!
* Nurses (and more) become Energy Healers, Reiki Pratitioners, and more
* Mediums, Intuitives, and Angel Messengers who desire to spread their messages and work around the globe
* Oracle Card Creators
* Artists who finally get paid for their great work in a variety of soul aligned ways
* something totally UNIQUE to them; Intuitive Painting Artist, Book Publisher for Other Awakeners, Intention Bracelet and Spiritually Jewellery Makers, and more
Remember, an Awakener is not just someone with the same exact soul aligned path as me - it's someone who uncovers and lives THEIR most soul aligned path - and in doing so - inspires, uplifts, and impacts the WORLD!!!!!!!!
What a great question!!!!!!!
I spent a full year going FULL OUT in my network marketing business from Aug 2014- Aug 2015 and I loved the culture, the atmosphere, the energy, the ideals, the big dreamer and achievers!!
I learned a great deal in that 12 months and a lot of it has served me well, even in the business I have now.
So I definitely have a special place in my heart for network marketers and am familiar with the passion you pour into your business, in order to help other people in multiple different ways :)
The one thing that made me feel a bit 'off' with my personal network marketing company, was the way they were teaching us to grow our businesses and attract clients. It didn't feel authentic and genuine to me, but it was what we were told to do, and other people were having great success doing it, so I followed suit.
My business never really took off, despite my best and hardest working efforts, but I know now that was because I wasn't going about things in MY most powerful, authentic, soul aligned way -
Which is EXACTLY what I now show others how to do inside the Awakener's Certification. (Not to just do what I say, but to tap into your OWN inner compass, and show up as the uniquely powerful version OF YOU).
And of course I share a variety of strategies, methods, tips and tricks, inspired ideas and more to help get your wheels of inspiration spinning, and apply the practical steps for your own soul aligned success.
I WISH this is what was taught to me as a network marketer - and I now realize those who WERE successful, were doing things in THEIR most soul aligned way, too.
So yes, absolutely this would 100% support you in 1) growing your network marketing business -and- 2) bring together your many passions!!!!
If you knew how to effectively attract clients on your own, wouldn’t you have by now? If you haven’t even tried yet, why haven't you started it yet? *What if you could skip the guessing and testing, trying and failing, and have someone show you how to vastly shorten your learning curve, and condense your timeline to success?
If you do feel called to join, what have you got to lose?
I know the first thing our ego likes to use to keep us in our survival zone is money. And, if this resonates with you, I will share with you from personal hindsight - the more time I spent trying to figure things out on my own, the more money I wasted on frivolous things that were not actually what I needed/nor were they aligned with me, before finally going ahead, facing my fears, and making the investment in what WAS aligned for me.
So in trying to SAVE money - I actually ended up wasting way more TIME, and spending even more money on smaller various unhelpful things, wasting BOTH time AND money, and getting completely discouraged. In fact, around this time, most people become so discouraged, they quit altogether.
Remember - Money can be made time and time and time again. But every moment we spend in unfulfilment or despair, is another moment we can never get back again.
I will always be totally honest with you, my friend! Your success is not dependant upon whether or not you join us :) But if you ask someone 6 years ahead of where you are now - I would say there is more risk in NOT joining, than there is in joining <3 data-preserve-html-node="true"
I'm here for you and happy to help in any way I can. Just let me know how :)
Sister, if the Universe is showing this to you now, and you’re feeling inspired to join it now, it’s meant for you NOW. (For example, if a good friend of yours joined right now, would you be envious of her? That is a sign your soul is inspired to join!) Don’t let fear/ego be so persuasive so as to convince you to continue procrastinating on your dreams. If you don't have enough time or money in the bank right now, that's not a sign you shouldn't do this, it's the CLEAR INDICATION you would ABSOLUTELY BENEFIT from taking a leap in the direction your soul is nudging you to go! This is how you will CREATE more abundance and freedom in your life! Remember to think outside the box, get creative, go outside your comfort zone, ask for help, find various resources. Tony Robbin says "It is not our lack of resources that costs us our dreams, but our lack of resourcefulness." Do whatever it takes to move in the direction that excites your soul - THAT is how you will move closer towards your soul aligned life!
I'm very happy to help you draw more clarity out from within yourself, so that you can make the highest and best decision for your life, and be the highest and best version of you for your baby, and example of living your most soul aligned life!
My question for you would be - what does a soul aligned life look like for you? If ANYTHING were possible, if you had no fear of ANYTHING - what would your life look like? Feel like? Be like?
Take just a moment to imagine now before you continue reading - what comes up FIRST?
Out of curiosity - did your current job come up in that vision? What if it were possible to make the kind of income where you didn't have to worry about anything financially at all anymore?
What if you could align yourself with the kind of work that fills your whole soul, every fibre of your being - so much so that your work ENERGIZES you, and not drains you? (Did I seem drained to you after 5 days of hosting 4600 people? :))
Maybe you don't literally start your own soul aligned business - maybe you become part of a support team for a company like mine, or someone elses that aligns with your spirituality, and inspiration. Maybe you get to work from home, far less hours per week, but with the same income (or greater) and doing work you LOVE.
When in doubt, trust what your initial gut instincts were. Thats what I always do <3 data-preserve-html-node="true"
If you're initial gut instinct was "radishes" (if you remember the radish story - I personally dont like radishes, so if someone offers them to me its a simple, easy, no thanks :)) That is a soul aligned no.
But if you keep coming back, keep thinking about it, all these fears keep trying to stop you, then 99.9999999% of the time it's a soul aligned YES being buried under fear, under your old ways of thinking, conditioning, *and current limited identity of yourself.
But your soul wants to expand into more, doesnt it? More freedom, more fulfilment, more joy, more time, more meaning, more purpose....
Thats what I can help you with inside the Awakeners Certification if that speaks to you.
Your head is trying to figure out WHY, HOW, WHEN, what does that look like, will I be successful, etc etc etc...that is your human brain trying to map everything out in advance.
Your soul asks you to trust it's guidance, even before your human mind understands why
The Awakeners Certification isn't necessarily just about starting a business - its about creating and living YOUR most soul aligned life, in whatever way that looks like for you - and who you BECOME in the process.
If you drop down from your head into your heart, into your soul, how did it feel to read this? Like radishes, or like nervous excitement?
If you truly want to change your life - trust the encouragement of your soul more than the fears in your head.
And remember - you can either use your kids are you EXCUSE, or your REASON. Let them be the REASON you live a courageous life, and be the example to them of bravely going after the life your soul is calling you towards!
YES! Remember that at their core, our partner wants us to be HAPPY, so if you approach them with a scared, frightened, nervous energy - their innate gut instinct will be to protect you from whatever it is they think is making you feel scared and worried (ie, joining this program would likely be their interpretation of where your fear is coming from). Rather than approaching the subject in a fear based state, prime yourself first with why joining this Certification Training EXCITES you, what it could mean for you BOTH, and how happy it would make you to join, and to have your partner's support, even if they don't understand how it will all work. Ask them to trust you to know what makes you happy, and this is it! Rather than seeking their permission - ask for their support - and ultimately do what's best for YOU and the life you'd like to create from this moment forward.
The Awakener's Certification is Certification Program that helps guide you through uncovering your own unique calling in life, offers tools for self reflection/analysis for moving beyond fears and self doubts that have been holding you back from stepping into the fullest version of you and your highest potential for your life thus far, and then trains you how to use these same tools (combined with your own unique life experience, wisdom, expertise, education, purpose) and facilitate Awakener sessions with clients of your own in various ways. These could be private 1x1 sessions online or in-person, teaching courses, offering group coaching, hosting retreats, workshops, or even speaking at conferences, on stages and even at Awakener events. Though it would be impossible to guarantee individual results, your income potential will only be as limited as your imagination once you learn the tools inside the Awakener Certification and create soul aligned offerings for anyone around the globe. Whether that be 1x1 clients, retreats, books, podcasts, speaking at live events, or more.
You get to choose how quickly you work through this Certification. Some comfortably complete it within 3 months, others take their time with up to 12 months to complete. You have 12 live calls included over the course of 6 months, but receieve all modules within 3 months.
Unlike many other certifications where only a new skill is taught - in our Awakener's Certification, you will ALSO be guided through the practical steps of setting up your own Awakener business practise online, attracting and building an audience from all over the world, and growing your own soul aligned business onwards and upwards from there with paying clients. In fact, it is our intention that you would make your Awakener Certification investment back within your first few 1x1 client packages. However, you will still have the tools, resources, knowledge and guidance to continue building and growing your income exponentially from there.
On top of working with your own private 1x1 clients, we also include guidance on becoming a best selling author (and are currently in talks of having our own in-house publisher!), a successful podcast host, how to hold international tropical retreats, and/or live events - should these options appeal to you as well, as they tend to with many of our other Awakeners. They uncover the message they feel called to share and are thrilled to be able to offer it through a variety of different mediums.
The Awakener Certification is especially designed for those who know they desire to uplift, inspire, and empower others in a way they find fulfilling and meaningful to them - often leaning into their own life experiences, education, struggles, triumphs, and professional expertise to serve others from. This program is designed to walk you from uncovering your unique purporse clarity, all the way to paying clients of your own.
The Awakener community has become a place where one can go to, to feel welcomed, a sense of belonging, a place of encouragement, upliftment, and even gather your first few practise clients from, and feedback on your offerings.
Once Certified, you become part of the client referral network, are given a logo to place on your website, and a Certificate of Completion you're welcome to hang on your wall. It's also from the pool of Certified Awakeners that will have opportunities to be a guest on the Soul Adventurer Podcast - which has been ranked top 20 in Self-Help on Apple Podcasts (our 2nd season begins this summer) alongside guests that have appeared on Oprah's Super Soul Sunday, the Agape Spiritual Center, and our latest confirmed interview guest has her own TV show as a medium. We continually elevate the Awakener brand so we can also help to elevate you, your visibility, your message, your mission and your credibility using our platform (in addition to your own platform that we will have shown you how to create inside the program).
Eventually, once safe, we will be hosting live in-person events, and inviting our Certified Awakeners as guest speakers on our stage, and other perks we will share once the time comes.
We will also be looking to our community of Certified Awakeners as we need to hire additional team members and coaches as our community and platform continues to grow.
The investment into the Awakener's Certification is the investment into a whole new trajectory for your life, and the ability to make a strong positive impact in the lives of others as well. It is a community that supports your growth and your dreams, and is continually growing in effort to continually support you and your success. As John F Kennedy once said - we believe a Rising Tide Lifts All Boats.
What you will learn inside the Awakener's Certification will benefit you not just for the time you are in it, but give you the tools to continually expand upon your success for many years to come.
Even after you complete the 12 Modules and 12 Calls over the initial 12 weeks, you actually have up to 12 months to complete your Certification - and once complete - you are welcome and encouraged to remain and active and valued member of our rapidly expanding Awakener community. This often leads to even more opportunities for collaborations on books, podcasts, speaking engagements, and beyond.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask! :) We're here to help.
Registration is now open for a limited time to a limited number of new students, in order to keep the experience as intimate and closely connected with each student as possible. Many other similar programs often allow hundreds of new students, have hired other coaches the students have never met before, and don't even know your name or have any direct contact with you. In the Awakener's Certification, you are personally guided every step of the way, by Jennifer, and become a member of our family :)
I’m going to be totally transparent with you, sister! When I was first beginning on my soul aligned journey, I NEVER had extra money just laying around for when an opportunity arose that resonated with my soul. In fact, I was usually backwards in debt by thousands of dollars! But I've always known a little secret: Where there is a WILL there IS a WAY!!
I had been living under the rule of my survival mechanism so long that's exactly where I was at - surviving! I had to LEARN how to transform into a place of thriving and abundance - but first I had to invest in that learning!
I committed to this path and did WHATEVER IT TOOK to make at least that first payment. Getting resourceful, thinking outside the box, getting creative!! For me that looked like credit cards, applying for new credit cards, borrowing from one place or another. Sometimes even doing what I feared the most - asking for help from those around me. I was so used to being the one that helps everyone else, yet was uncomfortable asking and receiving help for myself. This was the start of my journey stretching wellllll beyond my comfort zone, be willing to do what it takes, get uncomfortable, think outside the box, and get creative. It wasn't "Can I make this work?" - it was "HOW CAN I find a way to make this work!"
I also had to move through immense FEAR, by feeling the fear and doing it anyway! After that, the Universe always supported me in how I’d pay the rest. Often if money is you’re most sensitive trigger, it’s what your ego will use the most against you, trying to find ANY convincing excuse/reason/rationality to persuade you to procrastinate, delay, and ultimiately keep you still and stuck. My question for you is - How much longer will you let it? Where there is a will, there is a way. The Universe is simply asking you - are you committed? Or are you just interested…
"It's not the lack of resources, it's your lack of resourcefulness that stops you." - Tony Tobbins
Then you’re in the right place! That’s what the Awakener’s Certification is for :)
We’re never done evolving, sister! The Awakener’s Certification is to add more tools to your tool kit of how you can serve your clients, reach more people with your message, meanwhile elevating you even higher within your purpose, personal power, and level of abundance. We can only lead others as far as we’ve taken ourselves! If you’ve been led here and are still reading this, chances are it’s because it’s pulling at your Soul for a reason.
All good, Sister! We know it's next to impossible to suit every single Awakener's time zone and life schedule, so your success in this Certification is NOT dependant upon your ability to be on these calls live. It's a wonderful bonus if you're able to, but absolutely not a necessity by any means. Everything you need will be inside the 12 Lessons (Modules) that you have up to 12 months to complete (some people finish in as little as 12 weeks) as well as the brief videos included, and the call replays will be emailed to you as soon as they have completed. If you'd like to ask questions along the way - you're most welcome to ask anytime in our private Facebook group, or email your question in advance of the live call to info @ jennifer jayde .com - and Jen will give you your detailed response during the call, and then email you the replay to listen to you at your convenience. You can also reach out to her and your fellow Awakeners ANYTIME within our private fb group. Essentially - you are supported through modules, videos, audios, and a live interactive FB group - all of which you are able to participate in on a schedule that works for you :)
You will be fully certified as an Official Jennifer Jayde Awakener - someone whom is now trained and equipped to be a Soul Aligned Life Guide/Teacher/Mentor and beacon of light for others in a way that’s meaningful, fulfilling and aligned for you. (For example, with your own life experience you may to choose to help people through their relationship with food, self-love, relationships, parenting, birthing, empowering empty-nesters and/or stay-at-home Moms, health, fitness, spiritual teachings, healing, soul aligned business coaching, branding, marketing, etc. You may feel called to become a published author, speaker or retreat leader, workshop host, etc.) With the skills and trainings and resources inside the Awakener’s Certification, you will be prepared for the Soul Aligned avenue of your choice, and how to attract paying clients that need what you feel called to give.
You will be given a digital, printable copy of your Awakener’s Certification, as well as given a digital logo you may add to as a credential on your website!
You will be also on Jennifer’s Jayde’s personal referral list. Due to demand, investment level, and other reasons, not all who reach out to Jen are a good fit for 1x1 coaching with her. She would be very happy to refer to those she has personally trained - including you!
You will be also shown ways you can quickly scale to 6 Figures in your own soul aligned path, should that be of interest to you.
**And on top of all of this, you will also be part of the Awakener community, from which Jen will be choosing members to highlight, interview on her podcast, blog, and newsletters, and promote across all of her platforms. Let's show the world what Awakeners can do!!!!! * **
I promise to show up for you 100% and to teach and guide you in all the ways I've personally been able to create a 7 figure soul aligned business, and support you in doing the same for yourself! However, I have no control over your Free Will. I cannot step into your body and take the action for you, and I’m not in charge of your divine unfolding. Therefore, I cannot guarantee your outcome for you. What I do know is, when you trust your intuition, take soul aligned action, and find the mentors you resonate with to help condense your learning curve - ANYTHING is possible, and quickly.
Also of note - if making lots of money is your #1 top priority and sole focus, the Awakener’s Certification may not be for you. Quite honestly, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme. This Certification is for those who have a committed, deep longing to be of service to others in a meaningful way, to create great impact, and AS A RESULT, welcome more abundance in their life than they have ever known before.
Our intention is to deliver to you a value that is FAR FAR greater than you will ever pay in dollars - regardless of what currency you're converting from. What we are teaching you inside the Awakener's Certification is not a fleeting trend that will become obsolete as quickly as technology, but instead a LIFE LONG set of skills that will steer you to your path of least resistance, greatest impact, and highest level of abundance - FOR LIFE! There is no way to put a price on something that will not only change the rest of your life, but also the lives of those around you, and of all your future clients, their families, and their clients/co-workers/peers/students. The ripple effect is INFINITE, but thankfully the investment is just a one time drop in the bucket in comparison.
The resources alone inside the Membership portal are worth over $50,000 total - and I'm sharing what cost me over $100,000+ to learn. We've been told our exercises are 'life changing' and 'profoundly impactful' many countless times by our clients. Having access to live calls with Jen is usually an investment of $25,000 alone. As with almost any online business you may have worked with, purchased from, or ordered from online - we too use the unified online currency of USD, and we will be showing you how to do the same no matter what country you're from :)
When something comes free, cheap, or easy to back out of - the likelihood of your ego convincing you not to take it seriously is HUGE. However, when you’ve had to invest a meaningful amount into something meaningful to you - guess how much more likely you are to stay committed and get the results you came for? The refund policy is the same as was for me when I invested $25K USD into my coach and $5000 USD into her online program - commit 100%, or not at all. If you aren’t fully committed, you’ll be wasting your time and your money, and I wouldn’t want that for you. The Awakeners’ I’m looking for aren’t here to dip their toe in the water - they are fully committed to a life of purpose, fulfillment, meaning, abundance and freedom - and they will not stop UNTIL they are successful in their mission. To support you in your commitment, all fees are non refundable, and the monthly instalment option is required to be completed in full. Remember, you have up to 12 months to complete the Awakener's Certification on a timeline that works for you :)
Our Certification will be 12 weekly modules over 3 months and 12 live training/coaching calls with Jen over 6 months. (This way you can finish the Certification in 3 months if you desire to fast-track, but still have a full 6 months of live support from Jen on the calls!) The modules include a recorded video so that you may watch (or listen) at your convenience, with a workbook to help the main points truly integrate within you. These would be less than 1 hour per week. Our live calls are scheduled for 2 hours in length to include as much Q+A Coaching time with you as possible, and are scheduled roughly every other week for 6 months, a total of 12 live calls with Jen. These calls are recorded should you be unable to attend live, or stay for the duration of the call. You will be provided with all replays to listen to at your convenience, and have the ability to submit questions in advance if needed :) We will also have a full year together inside our private Members only area for round-the-clock support, Q+A, and connection :) Additionally, you have 12 months to complete the Certification on a timeline that works for you :)
YES! Great question!! Anyone who pays in full today will not only receive one of the very limited spaces before they sell out (*while space lasts, we usually sell out rather quick!) but will also receive a savings of over $560 USD!
Firstly - CONGRATULATIONS, SISTER!! I honour you for feeling the fear - and doing it anyway!! This is the space where dreams are made!! All you need to do now is;
1) Choose the investment option that’s best for you below (remember, paid in full saves you over $560 USD!!)
2) Pop by the bubbly as you’re welcomed into our Awakener’s Only Member Area! Your exciting new bonuses and resources will be waiting for you immediately after you register below!
3) Decide how you will CELEBRATE your bold, beautiful decision for your new life today!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember, an “expense” is something like a pair of shoes or a new handbag.
The Awakener’s Certification is an investment into a whole new future ahead for you, AND your loved ones!
What would it be worth to you, to be able to live fully in your purpose for the rest of your life?