There is a fork in the road before you, a decision of whether or not you’re going to trust the nudge of inspiration in your heart, the breadcrumb of joy in your soul, and join us in becoming a (highly likely) internationally best selling author. Not because you care about titles, but because of the doors this will open, the vibration you will increase, the impact you will have, and the DOMINO EFFECT this will create for your life! The path you choose now will determine where you are in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and beyond. Come Feb 2024 during our next Live Events online and In-Person - Will you be celebrating with us, or will you be wishing that you were?

Which trajectory will you say YES to, today?


Hi Sister !

So many people have been asking me two questions lately, and the first is how to become a Speaker. 

And the truth is, I started getting asked to do so many interviews, speaking engagements, online summits, even TV interviews - once I became an internationally bestselling Author. 


Because it gives people something to grasp onto, as to why they should listen to you - which is often the first question we're asking ourselves before we agree to listen or read what someone else has to say. The internal questions most people have before reading or listening to anything are "Does this apply to me?" and then "How is this person an expert and why should I listen to them?" 

And the answer is - because you are an Internationally Best Selling Author on this subject :) 

For people that are hosting the speaking opportunities, workshops, conferences, online summits, interviews, TV spots, or podcasts - they are looking for guests with some kind of extra credibility - over and above simple life experience (everyone has life experience, but not everyone is an Internationally Best Selling Author on the subject!)

So even if you don't have dreams of being a famous Author - but you want to SPEAK - becoming an internationally best selling Author is what swings the doors of opportunity open to way, way more speaking opportunities. 

The second question people ask me about is writing their own Solo Book instead of being in a Co-Author Book.  Thankfully, I have experience on both of these options, and I can share a few things with you that may help you in moving forward <3 

- Writing a Solo Book is awesome! But it is also very often a long, grueling experience even for people that love to write and channel and have a TON of guidance and wisdom to share. I  thought my solo book would take me 30-90 days TOPS! It ended up taking 2 years...

- A Solo book is most beneficial when you have an audience that will actually want to buy your book. If you don't yet have much of an engaged following, there likely won't be a lot of sales or interest when you load your book onto Amazon, and it could easily get lost in a sea of billions of other books and forgotten about. Solo books are ideal for when you already have a following that will purchase it (helps you get on bestseller lists, which tells Amazon to share your book organically with others), recommend it, and share it with others. 

- A Solo book is not a money making tool. Royalties are miniscule (I don't remember the last time I received even $1 for my solo book), and if not many people are buying your solo book, it won't lead to many other opportunities, clients, reach, or impact, either. 

This is why being part of a Co-Author Book is extremely powerful! And why I have been part of 4 Co-Author books myself, with two more on the way next year! (And only 1 solo book that I wrote when I already had a 5 figure email list and over 20k followers on IG and another 25k on IG before my account was hacked). 

Here are just SOME of the ways this is a truly remarkable experience...

- Cross-Promotion with 15-20 other women, and THEIR audiences across FB, IG, friends and family etc (that's 15-20x the exposure and reach you would have on your own). 

- Collaboration with uplifting, empowering women such as our Awakeners - creating a magical energy that fills your soul, encourages confidence, and quickens your momentum towards the impact, and soul aligned income you desire to create! And then you can take this momentum, energy and clarity into your business and expand even further from there! Keep the momentum going and growing!

- Connection - of course you can go it alone on a solo journey. Many times this can feel isolating, lonely, and lead to a ton of procrastination, delay and getting swallowed up in self doubt (For example, I'd ask myself honestly how many years I have been 'meaning to' write my own book all by myself? Or 'start my business' all by myself?)  In a Co-Author book - there is built-in accountability, momentum, and a high vibrational energy we are all circulating around each other - it truly is an amazing feeling and really quite a remarkable experience to be a part of.

- Accomplishment , Growth & Momentum - if you're looking to add to your Credibility, grow your Confidence, and Expand your Business - joining us and become an Angel Talks Internationally Best Selling Author is the shortest and quickest, most joyful, empowering and uplifting path I have ever experienced in creating just that! 

Impact - why inspire your own circle of friends and family with a solo book (and your own audience, if you have one such as an email list or social media engaged followers) - when you can inspire them - AND - 15-20x MORE lives on top of that!

Ease - one chapter instead of an entire book. One chapter to get people to actually connect and work with you now, rather than 1-2 years from now. One chapter to start deeply impacting more lives, and growing your business, within the next 3-4 months instead of 1-2 years - with 15-20 times the audience reach than going it all alone. 

To me, it's a no brainer - impact, reach, ease, and joy - YES please :D

I hope this answers any questions you may have had, 


Lots of Love Always,


 PS - I'm just about to send the Welcome Email and FB Invite to join our growing Angel Talks Soul Family private fb group, and I've had one Awakener realize she isn't able to take the space she initially requested in our next book -  Sooo there is ONE SPACE that just popped up!! And it seems it is meant for someone else, could it be you? I have a list of non-Awakeners that I know would love this space, but I thought I would offer it here first, to my fellow Awakener Soul Sisters <3 If you're feeling the nudge to become a (highly likely!) International Best Selling Author (with bonus optional Speaking Opportunity as well!) - to increase your reach, grow your audience, expand your business, and positively impact many more lives - Perhaps this space was meant for YOU all along <3

 If this sparks anything in your soul/heart space - I encourage you to hit 'reply' and connect with me right away (like, right now, before I send out the Welcome Email <3 ) and trust the breadcrumbs of joy and follow your intrigue MORE than you trust and follow the inner sabatour/doubter. You never know what's possible, until you try!!! Better to find out what's possible, than to always wonder what could've been <3