Firstly - If you desire to uplift, empower, and inspire others - You MUST be filling up your OWN CUP of inspiration, high vibe energy, and things that bring you JOY!!! We cannot serve from an empty vessel. If you’re feeling tired, uninspired, lonely, or defeated - it could even be repelling people from working with you. IT’S TIME TO BECOME MAGNETIC, UNSTOPPABLE, AND ON FIRE AGAIN - with the vision your soul has been calling you towards all along…..
Being in the ROOM TOGETHER AS AWAKENERS is THE MOST POTENT ENERGY I’ve EVER EXPERIENCED! It’s an extremely powerful, uplifting, encouraging, and empowering experience on it’s own…. You’ve experienced the inspiration from our collection of warm, kind, spiritually open and loving souls in a digital space - imagine how powerful it will be gathering in person, in a high vibrational ocean front location, under Palm trees, breathing in that fresh ocean breeze - lifting each other up in real time!!! This alone is priceless in the effect it will have on your soul….
NOTE: If you’re already happy with how everything is unfolding in your life and soul-inspired business - great!! But if you have room for more JOY in your life, more CLARITY in your business, more ABUNDANCE in your finances, more CONNECTION with other beautiful humans, and just plane LOVE to absorb inspiring energy and experiences…. I invite you to say YES to the nudge in your soul to join us.
—-> Some of my GREATEST ALLIES for my business came because of real-life connections at real-life events :D They invited me onto their podcasts, interviewed me in their groups, asked me to speak on their summits, helped me do the techy stuff for my biz, continued to encourage me via my social media posts online for years to come, travelled/roomed with me to future inspiring events, and some even became my most loyal clients!!!
Invite greater EASE into your life by BECOMING AN ENERGETIC MATCH for the desires in your soul.
Abundance, joy, ease, flow - they’re all waiting for you to get your energy up to Floor 4. They will not come to meet anyone down in the basement.
Let’s get your VIBE UP, and FREQUENCY FLOWING, and into ALIGNMENT with the Clarity that’s been eluding you, the OUTCOMES your soul craves!!!
We can only lead others as far as we’ve been willing to go ourselves.
I also have a very strong inner calling now to support Awakeners EXPAND in your capacity to uplift, inspire and empower others through three KEY factors;
1) CONFIDENCE 2) COMPETENCE 3) CLARITY blueprint for moving forward!
We have soooo mannnny BRILLIANT women in our Awakener Soul Family - that I can feel are ready to step into their brightest expression of their message, purpose, gifts, and abilities - that just may need that boost in confidence, competence, and clarity - in order to do it!! If you know you’re on the brink of reaching YOUR NEXT LEVEL - this live experience will be the tipping point you’ve been waiting for!
Alone we can absolutely succeed, but together we can have an even wider reach, and much stronger impact!
And Last (but not least!)
Let’s CONNECT, COLLABORATE, CO-CREATE and LIFT EACH OTHER UP!! Share with us your services or offerings if you have them already - so we can be your customers, your referral sources, your cheerleaders and promoters online!!
Maybe you meet someone that is skilled/gifted in the exact services YOU need most right now!
Maybe you meet the person that wants you on their podcast, youtube channel, or to write a book together, speak on stages, or travel together!
The possibilities truly are ENDLESS. If your soul is nudging you to join us - know that it’s for a REASON that your brain can’t see yet - but your soul CAN!!! There’s only one way to find out what it is….